avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv |
Wrapper for Avalon® BFM that is used by the Avalon_driver.sv. |
avalon_driver.sv |
SystemVerilog HDL driver that uses the BFMs to form the transmit and receive path and access the Avalon® -MM interface. |
avalon_if_param_pkg.sv |
SystemVerilog HDL testbench that contains parameters to configure the BFMs. The configuration is specific to DUT. As such, the content of this file should not be changed. |
avalon_st_eth_packet_monitor.sv |
SystemVerilog HDL testbench that monitors the Avalon® -ST transmit and receive interfaces. |
eth_register_map_params_pkg.sv |
SystemVerilog HDL package that maps addresses to Avalon® -MM control registers. |
default_test_params_pkg.sv |
SystemVerilog HDL package that defines the test parameters for MAC configuration and Ethernet packet generation. |
eth_mac_framce.sv |
SystemVerilog HDL testbench that handles the creation of Ethernet frame content. |
tb_run.tcl |
TCL scripts that starts a simulation session of the DUT and other logic blocks. |
tb_top.sv |
Top-level testbench file that consists of the DUT and other logic blocks. |
wave.do |
Signal tracing macro script that the ModelSim* simulator uses to display testbench signals. |