AN 464: DFT/IDFT Reference Design

ID 683644
Date 5/30/2018

Synthezising the DFT/IDFT Reference Design

Intel provides an example project in the directory /example_quartus_project.
  1. Open file /src/new/ and edit the following top-level parameters as desired.
    entity ltefft_top is
      generic (
        idft_mode                    : integer  := 0;
        datawidth                    : positive := 18;
        twidwidth                    : positive := 16;
        iqinpercc                    : positive := 3; -- input IQ samples per CC
        use_output_buffer            : boolean  := false;  --true;  --false;
        BUFFER_DEPTH                 : integer  := 1200;  --8;     --  4    8    16   32  64   128  256  512  1024  2048
        BUFFER_DEPTH_N               : integer  := 11;  --3;      -- 2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10    11
        use_90_optimised_twiddle_rom : integer  := 1  -- must always be = 1
    Note: These default settings have no effect on the simulation runs.
  2. Copy all .hex files from the /rom_data/bits_<twidwidth>/ drectory to the /example_quartus_proj/hex_rom directory.
    Skip this step if you are not changingthe default parameters.
  3. Copy the file butterfly_coef_pkg.vhd from the dft/rom_data/bfly_coef_pkgs/bits_<twidwidth> directory.
    Skip this step if you are not changingthe default parameters.
  4. Open the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.
  5. Open the project in the /example_quartus_proj/ directory.
  6. Selecta a device.
  7. Compile the design.