Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Viewing the Location and Utilization of Device Resources in Chip Planner

Chip Planner can generate reports about the different types of device resources located in the in Chip Planner view, including the resource location and utilization.

To view the location and utilization of a device resource in Chip Planner:

  1. On the Chip Planner Tasks pane, click Report Resources. The Report Resources dialog box appears.
    Figure 92. Report Resources Dialog Box

  2. In Resource Type, select the device resource type that you want to locate.
  3. Click OK. The report generates and displays the list of selected resources in the Reports pane.
  4. In the Reports pane, right-click a resource type to Zoom to Report or view the Properties of the resource in the Resources report.