Nios II Classic Processor Reference Guide

ID 683620
Date 10/28/2016
Document Table of Contents

3.9.5. Shift and Rotate Instructions

The following instructions provide shift and rotate operations. The number of bits to rotate or shift can be specified in a register or an immediate value.
Table 51.  Shift and Rotate Instructions
Instruction Description
rol ror roli
The rol and roli instructions provide left bit-rotation. roli uses an immediate value to specify the number of bits to rotate. The ror instructions provides right bit-rotation.

There is no immediate version of ror, because roli can be used to implement the equivalent operation.

sll slli sra srl srai srli
These shift instructions implement the << and >> operators of the C programming language. The sll, slli, srl, srli instructions provide left and right logical bit-shifting operations, inserting zeros. The sra and srai instructions provide arithmetic right bit-shifting, duplicating the sign bit in the most significant bit. slli, srli and srai use an immediate value to specify the number of bits to shift.