Nios II Classic Processor Reference Guide

ID 683620
Date 10/28/2016
Document Table of Contents Pipeline Stalls

The pipeline is set up so that if a stage stalls, no new values enter that stage or any earlier stages. No “catching up” of pipeline stages is allowed, even if a pipeline stage is empty.

Only the M-stage is allowed to create stalls.

The M-stage stall occurs if any of the following conditions occurs:

  • An M-stage load/store instruction is waiting for Avalon® -MM data master transfer to complete.
  • An M-stage shift/rotate instruction is still performing its operation when using the multicycle shift circuitry (i.e., when the hardware multiplier is not available).
  • An M-stage shift/rotate/multiply instruction is still performing its operation when using the hardware multiplier (which takes three cycles).
  • An M-stage multicycle custom instruction is asserting its stall signal. This only occurs if the design includes multicycle custom instructions.