Nios II Classic Processor Reference Guide

ID 683620
Date 10/28/2016
Document Table of Contents

4.3.6. HardCopy Compatible

The HardCopy Compatible parameter determines whether the instantiated Nios II core is compatible with HardCopy® devices without recompilation. This feature allows you to migrate from an FPGA device to HardCopy device without any RTL changes to the Nios II core. When HardCopy Compatible is on, any generated Nios II core and JTAG debug module RAM blocks are not pre-initialized.
Note: When Device family on the Qsys Project Settings tab is a HardCopy device, HardCopy Compatible is automatically turned on and uneditable.

Altera no longer offers HardCopy structured ASIC products for new design starts. Altera continues to support HardCopy for existing designs. Customers can find product documentation for the HardCopy structured ASIC series in the Altera mature devices product listing.