F-Tile Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP Release Notes

ID 683610
Date 7/08/2024

1.2. F-Tile Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP v8.0.0

Table 2.  v8.0.0 2023.12.04
Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version Description Impact

Added support for Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition simulator.

Added the following FGT PMA support for NRZ variants:
  • 8 x 10.3125G
Enabled the 24-word user interface for the following FGT PAM4 variants:
  • 12 x 53.125G
  • 12 x 56.25G
Added Agilex 9 support. Agilex 9 support has been available since Quartus Prime version 23.2.