Intel® MAX® 10 Analog to Digital Converter User Guide

ID 683596
Date 1/03/2024
Document Table of Contents Configuration 2: Standard Sequencer with Avalon-MM Sample Storage and Threshold Violation Detection

In this configuration variant, you can use the standard sequencer micro core with internal on-chip RAM for storing ADC samples with the additional capability of detecting threshold violation. This configuration is useful for system monitoring application where you want to know whether the ADC samples value fall outside the maximum or minimum threshold value.

When the threshold value is violated, the Modular ADC Core or Modular Dual ADC Core IP core notifies the discrete logic component. The discrete component then triggers system recovery action. For example, the system can increase the fan speed in a temperature control system.

Figure 11. Standard Sequencer with Avalon-MM Sample Storage and Threshold Violation Detection (Modular ADC Core IP Core)

In dual ADC mode, you can configure the threshold detection of each ADC instance independently of each other. This capability is available because each ADC instance measures different analog metrics.

Figure 12. Standard Sequencer with Avalon-MM Sample Storage and Threshold Violation Detection (Modular Dual ADC Core IP Core)