Advanced SEU Detection Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683542
Date 11/11/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.3.1. Programming Sensitivity Map Header File into Memory

You can program an .smh into any type of memory. For example, to use CFI flash memory, follow these steps:

  1. Rename the .smh to <file_name>.hex, or convert it to little-endian <file_name>.hex if required.
  2. In the Quartus® Prime software, click File > Convert Programming Files.
  3. In the Convert Programming Files window under Output programming file, select the desired options.
  4. To add hex data, follow these steps:
    1. Click Add Hex Data.
    2. In the Add Hex Data dialog box, turn on Set start address and enter a start address.
    3. In the Hex file box, click browse to select the .hex file, and click OK.
    Figure 13. Add Hex Data Dialog Box
  5. Click Generate.