2.1.2. On-Chip Processing Signals
Figure 2. Advanced SEU Detection IP Core Signals for On-Chip Processing
Interface | Signals | Type | Width | Description |
Clock and Reset | clk | Input | 1 |
reset | Input | 1 | Active-high reset. | |
Cache Configuration | cache_comparison_off | Input | 1 |
Avalon Streaming (Avalon-ST) Sink Interface Signals1 | emr | Input |
Error Message Register (EMR) data input from the EMR Unloader IP core. |
emr_valid | Input | 1 | Indicates when emr data input is valid. | |
emr_error | Input | 1 |
Errors | noncritical_error | Output | 1 | Indicates that an SMH lookup determined that the EDCRC error is in a non-critical region. |
critical_error | Output | 1 | Indicates that an SMH lookup determined that the EDCRC error is in a critical region. | |
regions_report | Output | 1 |
critical_clear | Input | 1 |
busy | Output | 1 |
External Memory Avalon Memory Mapped (Avalon-MM) Master | mem_addr | Output |
mem_rd | Output |
mem_bytesel | Output |
mem_wait | Input |
mem_data | Input |
mem_datavalid | Input |
1 Connect the Avalon-ST streaming sink interface to the corresponding Avalon-ST source interface of the EMR Unloader IP core.
2 The actual EMR data is 78 bits only, [77:0]. Bits [118:78] are reserved.