Cyclone® V Avalon® Streaming (Avalon-ST) Interface for PCIe* Solutions User Guide

ID 683524
Date 6/02/2020
Document Table of Contents

11.2. Making Pin Assignments to Assign I/O Standard to Serial Data Pins

Before running Quartus® Prime compilation, use the Pin Planner to assign I/O standards to the pins of the device.
  1. On the Quartus® Prime Assignments menu, select Pin Planner.
    The Pin Planner appears.
  2. In the Node Name column, locate the PCIe serial data pins.
  3. In the I/O Standard column, double‑click the right‑hand corner of the box to bring up a list of available I/O standards.
  4. Select the pseudo current mode logic standard, 1.5 V PCML I/O.
The Quartus® Prime software adds instance assignments to your Quartus® Prime Settings File (*.qsf). The assignment is in the form set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD <"IO_STANDARD_NAME"> -to <signal_name> . The *.qsf is in your synthesis directory.