FIFO Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683522
Date 7/08/2024

1. FIFO Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

Updated for:
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 24.2
Intel provides FIFO Intel® FPGA IP through the parameterizable single-clock FIFO (SCFIFO) and dual-clock FIFO (DCFIFO) functions. The FIFO functions are mostly applied in data buffering applications that comply with the first-in-first-out data flow in synchronous or asynchronous clock domains.

The specific names of the FIFO functions are as follows:

  • SCFIFO: single-clock FIFO
  • DCFIFO: dual-clock FIFO (supports same port widths for input and output data)
  • DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS: dual-clock FIFO (supports different port widths for input and output data)
Note: The term “DCFIFO” refers to both the DCFIFO and DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS functions, unless specified.