Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Best Practices Guide

ID 683521
Date 6/21/2022

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5.3.2. Viewing Profiling Data Using Intel® VTune™ Profiler

Intel® VTune Profiler is a performance analysis tool for developing serial and multithreaded applications. It helps you analyze the algorithm choices and identify where and how your application can benefit from available hardware resources.

To view performance data, upload your profile.json file to the CPU/FPGA Interaction view in the Intel® VTune Profiler. For more information about how to upload the file and open the correct views, refer to CPU/FPGA Interaction Analysis (Preview) in the Intel® VTune Profiler User Guide.

Use the CPU/FPGA Interaction view in the Intel® VTune Profiler to determine the following performance information about your design in various graphical representations:

Table 17.  Types of Information in CPU/FPGA Interaction view
Tab Information
Summary Contains a summarized or average data about your kernels' execution.
Bottom-up Contains a graphical timeline view and an expandable summary of each kernel’s execution including host and device-side events.

Double-click on a kernel to view its source in the Source tab.

Platform Contains information about the memory transfers and CPU-side information.
Source Contains detailed statistics about memory and pipe accesses in source view format. For more information, refer to Performance Data Types.