Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Best Practices Guide

ID 683521
Date 6/21/2022

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Document Table of Contents Area Report Message for Constant Memory

The area report specifies the size of the constant cache memory. It also provides information such as data replication and the number of read operations.
Table 7.  Additional Information on Area Report Message
Message Notes
<N> bytes constant cache accessible to all kernels and is persistent across kernel invocations. Data inside the cache is replicated <X> times to support <Y> reads. Cache optimized for hits, misses incur a large penalty. If amount of data in the cache is small, consider passing it by value as a kernel argument. Use Intel® FPGA dynamic profiler for OpenCL™ to check stalls on accesses to the cache to assess the cache's effectiveness. Profiling actual cache hit rate is currently not supported.