Cyclone® V Avalon® Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) Interface for PCI Express* Solutions User Guide

ID 683494
Date 10/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.7. IP Core Verification

To ensure compliance with the PCI Express specification, Intel performs extensive verification. The simulation environment uses multiple testbenches that consist of industry‑standard bus functional models (BFMs) driving the PCI Express link interface. Intel performs the following tests in the simulation environment:

  • Directed and pseudorandom stimuli test the Application Layer interface, Configuration Space, and all types and sizes of TLPs
  • Error injection tests inject errors in the link, TLPs, and Data Link Layer Packets (DLLPs), and check for the proper responses
  • PCI-SIG® Compliance Checklist tests that specifically test the items in the checklist
  • Random tests that test a wide range of traffic patterns

Intel provides the following two example designs that you can leverage to test your PCBs and complete compliance base board testing (CBB testing) at PCI-SIG.