Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 9/30/2024

A newer version of this document is available. Customers should click here to go to the newest version.

Document Table of Contents Downloading Software and Device Support Files

To download Intel FPGA software with individual executable and device support files, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the FPGA Software Download Center page.
  2. Click the desired Quartus® Prime Design Software option.
  3. In the displayed page, refine your selection using the Software Type, Software Package, Version, and Operating Systems drop-down options to download the desired software.
  4. If you are proceeding to download the latest edition of the Quartus® Prime design software, scroll down the page, select the Individual Files tab and locate one of the following sections to download the desired files:
    • Complete Download to download the complete package with the device support and add-on software files.
    • Individual Files to download the packages in parts and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition software.
    • Devices to download the device support files.
    • Add-On and Stand-Alone Software to download individual executable files of the add-on software.
  5. Click Download <file_name> to download the desired software.
  6. Click Accept to accept the Software License Agreement.
File download starts automatically.

Wait for all the files to download completely before beginning installation. Intel recommends verifying the sha1sum <filename> to ensure the file downloaded completely. The sha1 value must match with that mentioned on the webpage. Example SHA1 shown in the following image:

Verify the checksum in the following method:

  • Linux OS: sha1sum <filename>
  • Windows OS: In the Command prompt window, type certutil -hashfile <filename>