Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 9/30/2024

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5.1.2. Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition Software License

Both Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition require a valid software license. This license expires 12 months after the date of purchase. If you are looking for instructions to download and install Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition, then follow the instructions provided in "Downloading Individual Executable Files" section to obtain the software and "Installing Intel FPGA Software at the Command Prompt" section to install.

Generating the License

The Quartus® Prime software requires a paid license (fixed or floating license subscription). A paid subscription provides access to the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, Quartus® Prime Standard Edition, and the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition with one year of maintenance support. Once you have bought the subscription from one of the distributors, your order gets processed, and license entitlements are set up and managed in the Intel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Center (SSLC), where you can generate a license.dat file. This file enables you to use the software or IP product licensed, all previous versions, and all versions released within one year of the purchase date.

Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition license is free and you can directly obtain it from the Quartus® Prime GUI or Intel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Center (SSLC).

If you do not have access to SSLC, you must first complete registering to SSLC and create an account by visiting Register for Intel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Center (SSLC).

  • The Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software does not support companion licenses. You must purchase additional licenses if you want to run the software on other computers.
  • The Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software license does not support Remote Desktop access with node-locked, uncounted licenses.

Follow these steps to generate the license:

  1. Go to the Intel® FPGA Self-Service Licensing Center (SSLC).
  2. Select the Sign up for Evaluation or Free Licenses option on the menu bar.
  3. In the list of products displayed, select the desired option:
    • For Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition license, select the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition(License: SW-QUESTA) option.
    • For Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition license, select Quartus® Prime Software 90-Day Evaluation (Standard and Pro Editions) (License: EVALUATION-LIC) option.
  4. Under the # of Seats column, enter the number of seats you require.
  5. Read the license terms of use.
  6. Select the "I have read and agree to the terms of use of this license as listed below" check box.
  7. Click Get License. A dialog box displays asking you to which computer should the license be assigned. You can use one of the following options:
    • Option 1: Click Create a New Computer if you want to assign the license to a new computer. You must provide information about the required hardware and license type. For information about the license type, refer to Intel® FPGA Software License Types. For information about how to extract information about your computer hardware, refer to Hardware Information Required When You Request a License.
    • Option 2: Click Assign an Existing Computer and search for the computer name/NIC ID that you have created previously in your My Intel® account. To view your list of computers, use of the following options:
      • Visit the License Assistant and select Regenerate License by Primary Computer > View all computers and select
      • On the SSLC menu bar, click Computers and License Files and select the desired option.
  8. Click Generate. You receive an email with the license attached to your registered email address.
  9. Save the license.dat file on your computer (for example, ~/intelFPGA_pro/LR-xxxxxx_License.dat).
Note: Before using Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition software, you must set an environment variable to point to the location of the license.

Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition licenses appear as a FEATURE line inside the Quartus® Prime license.dat file.

Setting Up the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition Software License

After you receive and save the license.dat file on your computer, follow these instructions:

Note: The Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software license does not support Remote Desktop access with node-locked, uncounted licenses.

On Windows System

  1. Go to This PC, right-click, and select Properties.
  2. Click Advanced System Setting.
  3. In the Advanced tab, select Environment Variable.
  4. Under System variables, create a new variable with the name as LM_LICENSE_FILE and value as <license.dat file path>.
  5. Click OK and restart the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software.
Alternatively, open a command prompt and run the following command to set up the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable:
setx LM_LICENSE_FILE <path_to_license_file>;%LM_LICENSE_FILE%

For example: setx LM_LICENSE_FILE C:\intelFPGA\license.dat;%LM_LICENSE_FILE%

You can also set up the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software license using the Siemens EDA license daemon saltd, which you can find in the <Questa - Intel FPGA Edition system directory>\ directory. Before starting the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software, set the SALT_LICENSE_SERVER environment variable to the location and file name of the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition license file. For example:
SALT_LICENSE_SERVER (<Questa installation directory>/licenses/eda/license.dat)
or with the <port>@<hostname> notation, where <port> is the license port number and <hostname> is the license server’s host name. For example, 1900@my_lic_server.
Warning: In the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition version 2024.1, you might see errors if you are using the mgcld daemon version 11.16.4. For solution, refer to

On Linux System

Run one of the following commands in a command prompt window:
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=<path to license>:$LM_LICENSE_FILE
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE "<path_to_license_file>"
You can also set up the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software license using the Siemens EDA license daemon saltd, which you can find in the <Questa - Intel FPGA Edition installation directory>/ directory. Before starting the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software, set the SALT_LICENSE_SERVER environment variable to the location and file name of the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition license file. For example:
SALT_LICENSE_SERVER (<Questa installation directory>/licenses/eda/license.dat)
or with the <port>@<hostname> notation, where <port> is the license port number and <hostname> is the license server’s host name. For example, 1900@my_lic_server.
Warning: In the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition version 2024.1, you might see errors if you are using the mgcld daemon version 11.16.4. For solution, refer to

Renewing the License

The software license expires 12 months after the date of purchase. To renew an expired license file, revisit the SSLC. You can renew a license only for the version that you purchased.