Intel Acceleration Stack Quick Start Guide: Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005

ID 683394
Date 7/09/2021
Document Table of Contents

2. System Requirements and Release Installation

Note: Ensure that your system meets the following requirements before you proceed to install the Intel® FPGA PAC D5005. The Intel® FPGA PAC D5005 may not function properly if your system does not meet these requirements.
Table 1.  System Requirements for the Intel® FPGA PAC D5005
Hardware and Software Components Description
Main board PCI Express* 3.0 compliant motherboard with at least one dual-width x16 PCIe* slot available for card installation
Server Supported Server List
Board power supply Auxiliary Power (12V)
Operating system Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* (RHEL) version 7.6 Kernel 3.10.0-957
Internet connection Required to install the OPAE driver and receive updates