Intel Acceleration Stack Quick Start Guide: Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005

ID 683394
Date 7/09/2021
Document Table of Contents

B. FPGA Device Access Permission

To be able to run AFU samples and other OPAE tools as non-root user, you can run the below command to change file access permissions.

Use file access permissions on the Intel FPGA device file directories /dev/intel-fpga-fme.* and /dev/intel-fpga-port.* to control access to FPGA accelerators and devices. Use the same file access permissions to control access to the files reachable through /sys/class/fpga/.

The * denotes the respective socket, for example 0 or 1.

Typically, you must change these permissions after every restart. To make the changes permanent, add these permissions to /etc/bashrc as well.

Here are the commands to run:
sudo chmod 666 /dev/intel-fpga-fme.*
sudo chmod 666 /dev/intel-fpga-port.*
sudo chmod 666 /sys/class/fpga/intel-fpga-dev.*/intel-fpga-port.*/errors/clear