Arria® V SX and ST SoC Errata

ID 683370
Date 7/14/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.1. Altera-Specific SoC Errata for Arria® V SX and ST Devices

This section lists the Altera® -specific SoC Errata that apply to the Hard Processor System (HPS) and the FPGA. Each listed erratum has an associated status which identifies any planned fixes.

Table 1.   Arria® V SX and ST Altera-Specific HPS Errata Summary
Issue Affected Devices Planned Fix
Hard Processor System (HPS)
EMAC RMII PHY Interface is Only Supported Through the FPGA Fabric All Arria® V SX and ST Devices None
Hard Processor System Level 2 Cache Error Correction Code All Arria® V SX and ST Devices Rev C Silicon
Hard Processor System PLL Lock Issue After Power-on Reset or Cold Reset All Arria® V SX and ST Devices Rev D silicon: March, 2015
HPS TAP Controller Is Reset By Cold Reset All Arria® V SX and ST Devices None
SPI Slave Output Signals Cannot Be Isolated When Routed to the HPS Pins All Arria® V SX and ST Devices None
False Configuration Failure in Active Serial Multi-Device Configurations All Arria® V SX and ST Devices None