DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 1/13/2025
Document Table of Contents

14.6.6. Finite State Machine

The Finite State Machine block adds state machines to a DSP Builder design. You can describe your Finite State Machine using the FSM specification language, which you enter into a text file. Then you load that text file using the Finite State Machine block and wire up the input and output ports of the Finite State Machine block to the rest of your design. DSP Builder then generates appropriate loop (ForLoop) and look-up table (LUT) structures to implement the state machine described in the text file you provide. However, those ForLoop and LUT blocks are not directly visible in the DSP Builder design. DSP Builder translates the ForLoop and LUT blocks to RTL with automatic device mapping and latency balancing with the rest of your DSP Builder design. DSP Builder provides a finite state machine example design, demo_fsm.mdl, which shows how to use the Finite State Machine block in various ways.

FSM Specification Language

The FSM specification language supports the following features:

  • Boolean expressions to form state transition diagrams
  • Nested, dependent, loops which allow you to express, for example, rectangular and triangular iteration counters
  • Automatic dead cycle hiding for nested ForLoop control logic

The configuration text file specifies the control logic that the Finite State Machine block generates.

The file has two sections:

  • Options that are optional settings to override certain defaults such as the name of the XML file and external port names
  • Netlist components that define the ForLoop blocks and state transitions, and how they fit together (i.e. nesting or sequencing structure) that defines the behavior of the state machine

The keyword netlist separates these two sections:

option settings ...
netlist components ...


Table 276.  Options
Option Description
require version <version> Specify the version of the Finite State Machine that you require. The version is in the form N.NN (eg: require version 23.3). You must always specify this line.
inputs <port-name> Specify one or more Boolean input ports that DSP Builder uses in conditional expressions for state transitions.
enable <port-name> Add an optional enable with the specified port name. Default is to tie enable to VCC.
start <port-name> Specify a different name for the go port. A one-cycle pulse on this port starts the Finite State Machine block.
finish <port-name> Add a finish port with the name as specified. The port emits a one-cycle pulse from this port when the Finite State Machine completes. This port allows two or more Finite State Machine blocks to daisy chain, or to nest a Finite State Machine in a ForLoop block.
Figure 123. Options Example
# this is a comment
require version 23.3
inputs d0 d1
enable en
start begin
finish done

Netlist Components

Netlist components can be:

  • State transitions
  • ForLoop blocks

State Transitions

To define state transitions:

transitions <name> : <port-name> ...
 ... state transitions

You specify state transitions by the following inputs:

  • state <current-state>
  • if (<condition>) <next-state> <output-value> ...
  • Each state definition can be followed by one or more if transition statements. The last transition of a state definition can be a catch-all default transition:
  • default <next-state> <output-value> ...
The output values are a list of Boolean values (0 or 1). You must specify the same number of output-values as port names on the transitions line. For example:
transitions Sticky : q r
    state Start
        if (a) Next 1 0
        default Start 1 1
    state Next 
        if (~a) Start 0 1

If you omit default, the Finite State Machine assumes an implicit catch all default transition where the next-state is the same as the current state and all output values are 0.

The Finite State Machine normally generates a Mealy Machine type of state transition control unit. To generate a Moore Machine, add the moore option to the transitions specification, and use output to define the output signal values for each state. For example:

transitions Sticky : q r
    state Start
        output 0 1
        if (a) Next
    state Next
        output 1 0
        if (~a) Start

You can specify a finish port for a state transition style Finite State Machine that produces a pulse for one cycle when the Finite State Machine returns back to its initial state on completion. This behavior corresponds to passing on the token to the next Finite State Machine component in the sequence. Receiving a go signal pulse (i.e. a token) activates in turn each Finite State Machine component in the sequence.

transitions Wait : q r
finish waitDone
 ... state transitions

State Transition Diagram

The Finite State Machine block can implement a Mealy Machine or Moore Machine state diagram.

Figure 124. Mealy Machine

This example state diagram has two inputs: a, b; and two outputs: q1, q0. Negations are (~x), conjunctions (x & y), and disjunctions (x | y). The output values for ports, q1 and q0, are at the end of the if statements

Figure 125. Mealy Machine Code
# Mealy Machine
require version 23.3
inputs a b
transitions Mealy : q1 q0
    state A
        if (a | b) B 1 1
        if (~a & ~b) C 1 0
    state B
        if (~a & b) A 0 0
        if (~a & ~b) B 0 1
        if (a & ~b) C 1 1
        if (a & b) D 1 0
    state C
        if (~a & b) A 0 0
        if (~b) B 0 1
        if (a & b) D 1 1
    state D
        if (a & b) A 1 0
        if (~b | ~a) C 0 0
Figure 126. Moore Machine

The keyword output indicates the output values for ports, q1 and q0, for each defined state. The condition for the D?D transition, ((~a & b) | (a & ~b)), is equivalent to the exclusive OR, (a ^ b).

Figure 127. Moore Machine Code
# Moore Machine
require version 23.3
inputs a b
transitions Moore : q1 q0
    state A
        output 1 1
        if (~b) C
        if (b) D
    state B
        output 0 1
        if (~a) C
        if (a) D
    state C
        output 0 0
        if (a & ~b) A
        if (~a & ~b) B
        if (b) C
    state D
        output 1 0
        if (~a & ~b) A
        if (a & b) C
        if (a ^ b) D

ForLoop Blocks

Figure 128. ForLoop Blocks Example

Instantiates a ForLoop block <name> and inequality operator set to <, <=, >, or >=. The values that you specify for <init>, <step>, and <limit> drive the input ports of the ForLoop block.

for <name> <init> <inequality-op> <limit> step <step>: <port-name> ...
 ... nested components
If <step> is 1, you can omit it. For example:
for x 0 < 8

The port-names are optional. If specified, they must correspond to the names of ForLoop output ports:

Name Output Port
bs Body Start
ld Loop Done
el Empty Loop
fl First Loop
ll Last Loop
v Valid
c Counter
For example:
for x 8 >= 0 step -1 : ld v c

Nested ForLoops

You can nest ForLoop blocks.

for x 8 >= 3 step -1
    for y 0 < x

for row 0 < 8 : c
    for col 0 < 8 : c v

The limits of the inner ForLoop can be the counter value of the outer ForLoop block.
for row 1 < 8 : c
    for col 0 < row : c v

Nested ForLoop blocks have the following limitations:
  • The ForLoop limits and step size can only be a constant integer or the counter value of an enclosing ForLoop block. DSP Builder does not support arbitrary mathematical expressions (e.g. 2*row+1).
  • The Finite State Machine block does not support vector ForLoop blocks

You can also nest state transitions inside ForLoop definitions:

inputs y
for x 0 < 8
    transitions Simple : q
        state Start
            if (y) Next 1
        state Next
            if (~y) Start 0

Unlike when nesting Forloop blocks, state transitions cannot make use of the counter value of the enclosing ForLoop.

To join ForLoop and state transitions in a sequence, declare them one after the other in the configuration file

inputs y
for x 0 < 8
transitions Simple : q
    state Start
        if (y) Next 1
    state Next
        if (~y) Start 0

Strategies for Hiding Dead Cycles

DSP Builder holds the valid output (v) of the ForLoop block at zero for at least one cycle whenever the counter is reset to the starting value after it reaches the end limit value. This dead cycle can reduce throughput for designs that use nested ForLoop blocks.

When the outer For-Loop block reinitialises the inner nested ForLoop block, DSP Builder holds the valid out low for one cycle. You can hide this cycle by overlapping it with a valid iteration. You enable the different dead cycle strategies by using the option, dead cycle <strategy>

Table 277.  Dead Cycle Strategies
Strategy Description
endearly ForLoop exits one cycle early
shiftrange Outer ForLoop iterations overlaps with first iteration of inner ForLoop. This strategy is limited to ForLoop blocks with constant limits and does not work when the inner ForLoop uses the counter of the outer ForLoop. Supports deeper nesting.
oneahead Outer ForLoop iterations overlaps with first iteration of inner ForLoop. This strategy also works when the inner ForLoop uses the counter of the outer ForLoop. Does not support deeper nesting.
Figure 129. deadcycle endearly
for row 0 < 8 : c

    deadcycle endearly

    for col 0 < 8 : c v



The deadcycle endearly strategy is a simple transformation of the netlist that reduces the number of iterations of the innermost loop by one. The example is functionally equivalent to:

for row 0 < 8 : c

    for col 0 < 7 : c v



This strategy only makes sense if the innermost ForLoop body is empty or has zero latency. The one cycle in the outer loop iteration effectively overlaps the final iteration of the inner loop. The control signals also reflect the shortened iteration space such that the last loop and loop done signals go high one cycle earlier. You need to compensate for this behavior in your design.

Figure 130. deadcycle shiftrange
for x 0 < 4

    deadcycle shiftrange

    for y 8 >= 1 step -1

        deadcycle shiftrange

        for z 0 < y : v c




The deadcycle shiftrange strategy overlaps each iteration of the outer ForLoop block with the first iteration of the inner ForLoop block. However, in triangular nested iteration, the inner ForLoop needs to access the outer ForLoop block's counter value before it completes its own iteration cycle. To resolve this dependency, the outer ForLoop iterates over the range from (init+step) to (limit+step), i.e. its range shifts forward by one iteration step. This transformation only applies if the outer ForLoop block's parameters are all constants. The following construction does not work:

for x 0 < 4

    for y 8 >= x step -1
        deadcycle shiftrange

        for z 1 < 5

The middle ForLoop block's limit depends on the outer ForLoop block's counter. It is not trivial to shift the range of the y-ForLoop without affecting other ForLoop blocks.

Figure 131. Nested ForLoop Blocks

The Finite State Machine block constructs a chain of nested ForLoop blocks as specified by the .fsm configuration file.

Figure 132. Dead CyclesThe valid-out (top) and counter value output (below) for each ForLoop block that the Finite State Machine block builds in its internal netlist: (yellow) The outer ForLoop block, (blue) the middle ForLoop block, and (red) the innermost ForLoop block. The dead-cycles occur when the valid-out from the innermost ForLoop block is low.
Figure 133. Nested ForLoop Blocks Control LogicFor the shiftrange dead cycle hiding strategy, the Finite State Machine block inserts appropriate control logic between the nested ForLoop blocks to overlap the dead cycle of the inner ForLoop block with a valid iteration of the outer ForLoop block.
Figure 134. No Dead CyclesThe figure shows at the top the valid out of the innermost ForLoop block. At the bottom, the counter value outputs of the three nested ForLoop blocks (yellow: outermost, blue: middle, red: innermost). The valid out stays high until all three ForLoop blocks exit. The Finite State Machine has no dead cycles.
Figure 135. deadcycle oneahead
for x 5 > 1 step -1 : c

    for y 8 >= x step -1

        deadcycle oneahead

        for z 0 <= y : v c




The deadcycle_oneahead strategy is similar to the shiftrange strategy but the FSM does not require the inner ForLoop block's parameters to be constants. In the example, the middle ForLoop block's limit is the outer ForLoop block's counter. The netlist transformation uses more elaborate control logic that pre-advances the outer ForLoop by one iteration before initializing the inner ForLoop. This approach doesn't work for deeper nesting structures such as:

for x 5 > 1 step -1 : c

    deadcycle oneahead

    for y 8 >= 1 step -1

        deadcycle oneahead

        for z 0 < y : v c

Although the Finite State Machine hides the dead-cycle in the outer ForLoop, the Finite State Machine inserts an extra cycle to pre-advance the middle ForLoop when applying its dead-cycle hiding strategy.

You can mix and match the different dead-cycle hiding strategies