Visible to Intel only — GUID: fth1579649679055
1. About this Document
2. DMA AFU Description
3. Register Map and Address Spaces
4. Software Programming Model
5. Running DMA AFU Example
6. Compiling the Accelerator Function (AF)
7. Simulating the AFU Example
8. DMA Accelerator Functional Unit User Guide Archives
9. Document Revision History for the DMA Accelerator Functional Unit User Guide
A. Enabling Hugepages
Visible to Intel only — GUID: fth1579649679055
6. Compiling the Accelerator Function (AF)
To generate a synthesis build environment to compile an AF, use the afu_synth_setup command as following:
- Change to the DMA AFU sample directory:
cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/dma_afu
- Generate the design build directory:
afu_synth_setup --source=./hw/rtl/filelist.txt build_synth
- From the synthesis build directory generated by afu_synth_setup, enter the following commands from a terminal window to generate an AF for the target hardware platform:
cd build_synth
The AF generation script creates the AF image with the same base filename as the AFU’s platform configuration file with a .gbs suffix at the location: $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/dma_afu/build_synth/dma_afu.gbs.
- Create an unsigned copy of the generated .gbs file:
PACSign PR -t UPDATE -H openssl_manager -i dma_afu.gbs -o dma_afu_unsigned.gbs
Note: If your Intel® PAC already implements bitstream authentication, review the steps outlined in the Security User Guide: Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA to sign the DMA bitstream.