V-Series Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide

ID 683171
Date 7/26/2022
Document Table of Contents

1.2. Native Transceiver PHYs

Each device family, beginning with Series V devices offers a separate Native PHY IP core to provide low-level access to the hardware. There are separate IP Cores for Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V devices.

The Native PHYs allow you to customize the transceiver settings to meet your requirements. You can also use the Native PHYs to dynamically reconfigure the PCS datapath. Depending on protocol mode selected, built-in rules validate the options you specify. The following figure illustrates the Stratix V Native PHY.

Figure 2. Stratix V Transceiver Native PHY IP Core

As shown, the Stratix V Native PHY connects to the separately instantiated Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller and Transceiver PHY Reset Controller.

Table 1.  Native Transceiver PHY Datapaths
Datapaths Stratix V Arria V Arria V GZ Cyclone V
PMA Direct:

This datapath connects the FPGA fabric directly to the PMA, minimizing latency. You must implement any required PCS functions in the FPGA fabric.

Yes Yes Yes -

This datapath provides a complete PCS and PMA for the TX and RX channels. You can customize the Standard datapath by enabling or disabling individual modules and specifying data widths.

Yes Yes Yes Yes

This is a high performance datapath. It provides a complete PCS and PMA for the TX and RX channels. You can customize the 10G datapath by enabling or disabling individual modules and specifying data widths.

Yes - Yes -
1 PMA Direct mode is supported for Arria V GT, ST, and GZ devices, and for Stratix V GT devices only.