V-Series Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide

ID 683171
Date 7/26/2022
Document Table of Contents

10.3.4. 8B/10B Encoder and Decoder Parameters

The 8B/10B encoder generates 10-bit code groups (control or data word) with proper disparity from the 8-bit data and 1-bit control identifier. The 8B/10B decoder receives 10-bit data from the rate matcher and decodes it into an 8-bit data and 1-bit control identifier.
Table 129.  8B/10B Options
Name Value Description
Enable 8B/10B decoder/encoder On/Off Enable this option if your application requires 8B/10B encoding and decoding. This option on adds the tx_datak <n> , rx_datak <n> , and rx_runningdisp <n> signals to your transceiver.
Enable manual disparity control On/Off When enabled, you can use the tx_forcedisp signal to control the disparity of the 8B/10B encoder. Turning this option on adds the tx_forcedisp and tx_dispval signals to your transceiver.
Create optional 8B/10B status port On/Off Enable this option to include the 8B/10B rx_errdetect and rx_disperr error signals at the top level of the Custom PHY IP Core.