Embedded Memory (RAM: 1-PORT, RAM: 2-PORT, RAM: 4-PORT, ROM: 1-PORT, and ROM: 2-PORT) Intel® FPGA IP Cores Release Notes

ID 683110
Date 7/19/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.8. Embedded Memory (RAM: 1-PORT, RAM: 2-PORT, RAM: 4-PORT, ROM: 1-PORT, and ROM: 2-PORT) Intel® FPGA IP v20.0.0

Table 26.  v20.0.0 2019.12.16
Quartus® Prime Version Description Impact
19.4 In the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 19.3 version of the RAM: 1-PORT, RAM: 2-PORT, RAM: 4-PORT, ROM: 1-PORT, and ROM: 2-PORT) Intel® FPGA IPs, you may encounter Error (272006): Parameter OPTIMIZATION_OPTION can only be set to AUTO for device family <device_family> during synthesis. This error occurs in designs that include embedded memory IPs with the RAM_BLOCK_TYPE set to M20K and that have been upgraded from version 19.2. This issue has been fixed in Quartus® Prime Pro Edition version 19.4.1. You are required to perform IP upgrade for this fix. Refer to the KDB page for more information.