Ethernet Design Example Components User Guide

ID 683044
Date 9/27/2021

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1. Time-of-day Clock

Updated for:
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 21.3
IP Version 19.3.0

The Time-of-day (TOD) Clock streams 96-bit and 64-bit time-of-day to one or more timestamping units in an IEEE 1588v2 solution. The time-of-day consist of the following fields.

Field 96-bit Timestamp Format 64-bit Timestamp Format
Second 48 bits
Nanosecond 32 bits 48 bits
Fractional nanosecond 16 bits 16 bits

This component supports coarse and fine adjustments, and period correction. It also supports configurable period adjustment and offset adjustment.

You can instantiate the TOD clock through the Ethernet IEEE 1588 Time of Day Clock Intel® FPGA IP in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.