Intel® FPGA P-Tile Avalon® Streaming IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 683038
Date 10/04/2021

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2.3. Simulating the Design Example

The simulation setup involves the use of a Root Port Bus Functional Model (BFM) to exercise the P-tile Avalon® Streaming IP for PCIe (DUT) as shown in the following figure.

Figure 13. PIO Design Example Simulation Testbench

For more details on the testbench and the modules in it, refer to Testbench.

The following flow diagram shows the steps to simulate the design example:

Figure 14. Procedure
  1. Change to the testbench simulation directory, <project_directory>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim/<EDA_vendor>/simulator.
  2. Run the simulation script for the simulator of your choice. Refer to the table below.
  3. Analyze the results.
Note: P-Tile does not support parallel PIPE simulations.
Table 1.  Steps to Run Simulation
Simulator Working Directory Instructions
ModelSim* SE, Siemens* EDA QuestaSim*- Intel® FPGA Edition <example_design>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim/mentor/
  1. Invoke vsim (by typing vsim, which brings up a console window where you can run the following commands).
  2. do msim_setup.tcl
    Note: Alternatively, instead of doing Steps 1 and 2, you can type: vsim -c -do msim_setup.tcl.
  3. ld_debug
  4. run -all
  5. A successful simulation ends with the following message, "Simulation stopped due to successful completion!"
VCS* <example_design>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim/synopsys/vcs
    Note: The command above is a single-line command.
  2. A successful simulation ends with the following message, "Simulation stopped due to successful completion!"
To run a simulation in interactive mode, use the following steps: (if you already generated a simv executable in non-interactive mode, delete the simv and simv.diadir)
  1. Open the file and add a debug option to the VCS command: vcs -debug_access+r
  2. Compile the design example: sh USER_DEFINED_ELAB_OPTIONS="-xlrm\ uniq_prior_final" SKIP_SIM=1
  3. Start the simulation in interactive mode: simv -gui &

This testbench simulates up to a Gen4 x16 variant.

The simulation reports, "Simulation stopped due to successful completion" if no errors occur.