Intel® FPGA P-Tile Avalon® Streaming IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 683038
Date 10/04/2021

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2.6. Running the Design Example

Here are the test operations you can perform on the P-Tile Avalon® -ST PCIe design examples:
Table 2.  Test Operations Supported by the P-Tile Avalon® -ST PCIe Design Examples
Operations Required BAR Supported by P-Tile Avalon® -ST PCIe Design Example
0: Link test - 100 writes and reads 0 Yes
1: Write memory space 0 Yes
2: Read memory space 0 Yes
3: Write configuration space N/A Yes
4: Read configuration space N/A Yes
5: Change BAR N/A Yes
6: Change device N/A Yes
7: Enable SR-IOV N/A Yes (*)
8: Do a link test for every enabled virtual function belonging to the current device N/A Yes (*)
9: Perform DMA N/A No
10: Quit program N/A Yes
Note: (*) These test operations are available only when the SR-IOV design example is selected.