Intel® High Level Synthesis Accelerator Functional Unit Design Example User Guide

ID 683025
Date 7/19/2019

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Document Table of Contents HLS AFU Avalon-MM I/O Slave Interface

The HLS hls_avalon_slave_component attribute in the hls_afu/hw/rtl/src/hls_afu.h header file moves the start, busy, stall, and done control signals into the component control and status register (CSR). You can also apply the hls_avalon_slave_register_argument attribute to each of the component parameters to move them into the component CSR.

A generic component function signature is as follows:
float fpVectorReduce_basic( 
    hls_avalon_slave_register_argument float *masterRead,
    hls_avalon_slave_register_argument float *masterWrite,
    hls_avalon_slave_register_argument uint64 size) 

When you access the CSR of your HLS component, use 64-bit reads and writes.