Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-1C922D26-8566-458C-BC4F-FA553B661A93
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-1C922D26-8566-458C-BC4F-FA553B661A93
Computes the element-wise exponentiation of vector a elements raised to the power of vector b elements.
The pow(a,b) function computes a to the power b for elements of two vectors.
The real function pow has certain limitations on the input range of a and b parameters. Specifically, if a[i] is positive, then b[i] may be arbitrary. For negative a[i], the value of b[i] must be an integer (either positive or negative).
The complex function pow has no input range limitations.
Argument 1 |
Argument 2 |
Result |
Error Code |
+0 |
neg. odd integer |
+ |
status::errdom |
-0 |
neg. odd integer |
- |
status::errdom |
+0 |
neg. even integer |
+ |
status::errdom |
-0 |
neg. even integer |
+ |
status::errdom |
+0 |
neg. non-integer |
+ |
status::errdom |
-0 |
neg. non-integer |
+ |
status::errdom |
-0 |
pos. odd integer |
+0 |
-0 |
pos. odd integer |
-0 |
+0 |
pos. even integer |
+0 |
-0 |
pos. even integer |
+0 |
+0 |
pos. non-integer |
+0 |
-0 |
pos. non-integer |
+0 |
-1 |
+ |
+1 |
-1 |
- |
+1 |
+1 |
any value |
+1 |
+1 |
+0 |
+1 |
+1 |
-0 |
+1 |
+1 |
+ |
+1 |
+1 |
- |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
any value |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
-0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+ |
+0 |
+1 |
- |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
+1 |
any value |
-0 |
+1 |
+0 |
-0 |
+1 |
-0 |
-0 |
+1 |
+ |
-0 |
+1 |
- |
-0 |
+1 |
-0 |
+1 |
a < +0 |
non-integer |
status::errdom |
|a| < 1 |
- |
+ |
+0 |
- |
+ |
status::errdom |
-0 |
- |
+ |
status::errdom |
|a| > 1 |
- |
+0 |
+ |
- |
+0 |
- |
- |
+0 |
|a| < 1 |
+ |
+0 |
+0 |
+ |
+0 |
-0 |
+ |
+0 |
|a| > 1 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
neg. odd integer |
-0 |
- |
neg. even integer |
+0 |
- |
neg. non-integer |
+0 |
- |
pos. odd integer |
- |
- |
pos. even integer |
+ |
- |
pos. non-integer |
+ |
+ |
b < +0 |
+0 |
+ |
b > +0 |
+ |
Big finite value* |
Big finite value* |
+/- |
status::overflow |
* Overflow in a real function is supported only in the HA/LA accuracy modes. The overflow occurs when x and y are finite numbers, but the result is too large to fit the target precision. In this case, the function:
in the result.
Sets the VM Error Status to status::overflow.
Overflow in a complex function occurs (supported in the HA/LA accuracy modes only) when all RE(x), RE(y), IM(x), IM(y) arguments are finite numbers, but the real or imaginary part of the computed result is so large that it does not fit the target precision. In this case, the function returns in that part of the result, and sets the VM Error Status to status::overflow (overriding any possible status::accuracy_warning status).
The complex double precision versions of this function are implemented in the EP accuracy mode only. If used in HA or LA mode, the functions set the VM Error Status to status::accuracy_warning.
Buffer API
namespace oneapi::mkl::vm {
sycl::event pow(sycl::queue & exec_queue,
std::int64_t n,
sycl::buffer<T> & a,
sycl::buffer<T> & b,
sycl::buffer<T> & y,
oneapi::mkl::vm::mode mode = oneapi::mkl::vm::mode::not_defined,
oneapi::mkl::vm::error_handler<T> errhandler = {});
namespace oneapi::mkl::vm {
sycl::event pow(sycl::queue & exec_queue,
sycl::buffer<T> & a,
oneapi::mkl::slice sa,
sycl::buffer<T> & b,
oneapi::mkl::slice sb,
sycl::buffer<T> & y,
oneapi::mkl::slice sy,
oneapi::mkl::vm::mode mode = oneapi::mkl::vm::mode::not_defined,
oneapi::mkl::vm::error_handler<T> errhandler = {});
namespace oneapi::mkl::vm {
sycl::event pow(sycl::queue & exec_queue,
std::int64_t n,
T const * a,
T const * b,
T * y,
std::vector<sycl::event> const & depends = {},
oneapi::mkl::vm::mode mode = oneapi::mkl::vm::mode::not_defined,
oneapi::mkl::vm::error_handler<T> errhandler = {});
namespace oneapi::mkl::vm {
sycl::event pow(sycl::queue & exec_queue,
T const * a,
oneapi::mkl::slice sa,
T const * b,
oneapi::mkl::slice sb,
T * y,
oneapi::mkl::slice sy,
std::vector<sycl::event> const & depends = {},
oneapi::mkl::vm::mode mode = oneapi::mkl::vm::mode::not_defined,
oneapi::mkl::vm::error_handler<T> errhandler = {});
pow supports the following precisions and devices:
T |
Devices supported |
float |
CPU and GPU |
double |
CPU and GPU |
std::complex<float> |
CPU and GPU |
std::complex<double> |
CPU and GPU |
Input Parameters
Buffer API
- exec_queue
The queue where the routine should be executed.
- n
Specifies the number of elements to be calculated.
- a
The buffer containing the 1st input vector.
- sa
Slice selector for a. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- b
The buffer containing the 2nd input vector.
- sb
Slice selector for b. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- sy
Slice selector for y. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- mode
Overrides the global VM mode setting for this function call. See set_mode function for possible values and their description. This is an optional parameter. The default value is mode::not_defined.
- errhandler
Sets local error handling mode for this function call. See the create_error_handler function for arguments and their descriptions. This is an optional parameter. The local error handler is disabled by default.
- exec_queue
The queue where the routine should be executed.
- n
Specifies the number of elements to be calculated.
- a
Pointer to the 1st input vector.
- sa
Slice selector for a. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- b
Pointer to the 2nd input vector.
- sb
Slice selector for b. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- sy
Slice selector for y. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- depends
Vector of dependent events (to wait for input data to be ready). This is an optional parameter. The default is an empty vector.
- mode
Overrides the global VM mode setting for this function call. See the set_mode function for possible values and their description. This is an optional parameter. The default value is mode::not_defined.
- errhandler
Sets local error handling mode for this function call. See the create_error_handler function for arguments and their descriptions. This is an optional parameter. The local error handler is disabled by default.
Output Parameters
Buffer API
- y
The buffer containing the output vector.
- return value (event)
Computation end event.
- y
Pointer to the output vector.
- return value (event)
Computation end event.
An example of how to use pow can be found in the oneMKL installation directory, under: