Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767253
Date 7/13/2023

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Weffc++, Qeffc++

Enables warnings based on certain C++ programming guidelines.










Diagnostics are not enabled.


This option enables warnings based on certain programming guidelines developed by Scott Meyers in his books on effective C++ programming. With this option, the compiler emits warnings for these guidelines:

  • Use const and inline rather than #define. Note that you will only get this in user code, not system header code.

  • Use <iostream> rather than <stdio.h>.

  • Use new and delete rather than malloc and free.

  • Use C++ style comments in preference to C style comments. C comments in system headers are not diagnosed.

  • Use delete on pointer members in destructors. The compiler diagnoses any pointer that does not have a delete.

  • Make sure you have a user copy constructor and assignment operator in classes containing pointers.

  • Use initialization rather than assignment to members in constructors.

  • Make sure the initialization list ordering matches the declartion list ordering in constructors.

  • Make sure base classes have virtual destructors.

  • Make sure operator= returns *this.

  • Make sure prefix forms of increment and decrement return a const object.

  • Never overload operators &&, ||, and ,.


The warnings generated by this compiler option are based on the following books from Scott Meyers:

  • Effective C++ Second Edition - 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs

  • More Effective C++ - 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs

IDE Equivalent

Visual Studio: None

Eclipse: Compilation Diagnostics > Enable Warnings for Style Guideline Violations

Alternate Options
