Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767253
Date 7/13/2023

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Create a Library from IPO Objects

Libraries are often created using a library manager such as llvm-ar for Linux or llvm-lib for Windows. Given a list of objects, the library manager will insert the objects into a named library to be used in subsequent link steps.


Use llvm-ar to create a library from a list of objects. For example the following command creates a library named user.a containing the a.o and b.o objects:

llvm-ar cru user.a a.o b.o


Use llvm-lib to create libraries of IPO mock object files and link them on the command line.

For example:
  1. Assume that you create three mock object files using a command similar to:
    icx /c /Qipo a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp
  2. Further assume a.obj contains the main subprogram. Create a library with a command similar to:
    llvm-lib -out:main.lib b.obj c.obj
  3. Link the library and the main program object file with a command similar to:
    icx -fuse-ld=lld a.obj main.lib -o result.exe

See Also