CPUID Family_Model
All unless otherwise noted
CPUID Hybrid
Code Names or Microarchitectures
Select this heading to sort in ascending or descending numerical order
Product Family Segment CPUID1
Select this heading to sort in ascending or descending numerical order
MCU Update2
where applicable
Machine Check Error Avoidance Derivative
              Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: Machine Check Error Avoidance Technical Documentation
06_3FH 2 NA Haswell Server EP, EP4S9, 12 Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server 306F2 0x4A Not Affected
06_3FH 4 NA Haswell Server EX12 Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server 306F4 0x1b Not Affected
06_4FH 1 NA
  1. Broadwell Server E, EP4S
  2. Broadwell Server EX
  1. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  1. Server
  2. Server
406F1 0b000041 Not Affected
06_55H 3 NA Skylake Server10 Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 50653 1000191 Not Affected
06_55H 4 NA
  1. Skylake Server10
  2. Skylake D, Bakerville10
  3. Skylake W10
  4. Skylake X10
  1. Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® D processor family
  3. Intel® Xeon® W processor family
  4. Intel® Core™ X-series Processors
1,2,3. Server
4. Desktop
50654 2007006 Not Affected
06_55H 6 NA Cascade Lake Server9 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 50656 04003006 Not Affected
06_55H 7 NA
  1. Cascade Lake Server9, 12
  2. Cascade Lake W9, 12
  3. Cascade Lake X9, 12
  1. 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® W processor family
  3. Intel® Core™ X-series processor family
  1. Server
  2. Workstation
  3. Desktop
50657 5003801 Not Affected
06_55H B NA Cooper Lake 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 5065B 07002a01 MCU
06_56H 3 NA Broadwell DE V2,V310 Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50663 700001e Not Affected
06_56H 4 NA Broadwell DE Y010 Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50664 f00001b Not Affected
06_56H 5 NA
  1. Broadwell DE A110
  2. Hewitt Lake (Broadwell DE)10
Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50665 e000015 Not Affected
06_5CH A NA Apollo Lake12 Intel® Atom® Processor E3900 Series processor family Desktop
506CA 0x28 Not Affected
06_5EH 3 NA 1. Skylake Xeon E312
2. Skylake H
3. Skylake S
1. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
2. 6th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
1. Server Workstation Embedded
2. Mobile
3. Desktop
506E3 0xf6 Not Affected
06_5FH All NA Denverton (Goldmont) Intel® Atom® C processor family Server 506F1 0x3e Not Affected
06_6AH 6 NA Ice Lake Xeon-SP 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family 1. Server
2. Workstation
606A6 d0003f5 Not Affected
06_6CH All NA Ice Lake Xeon D (Idaville) Intel® Xeon® D processor family Embedded 606C1 010002c0 Not Affected
06_7AH 1 NA Gemini Lake
  1. Intel® Pentium® Processor Silver Series
  2. Intel® Celeron® Processor J Series
  3. Intel® Celeron® Processor N Series
706A1 0x40 Not Affected
06_7AH 8 NA Gemini Lake
  1. Intel® Celeron® Processor J Series
  2. Intel® Celeron® Processor N Series
  1. Desktop
  2. Mobile
706A8 0x24 Not Affected
06_7EH 5 NA Ice Lake U
Ice Lake Y
10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 706E5 0xc6 Not Affected
06_86H 5 NA Snow Ridge BTS (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processor P5900 series Networking Server (Basestation) 80665 4c000026 Not Affected
06_86H 7 NA Parker Ridge / Snow Ridge
Intel Atom® Processor C5000 series
Intel Atom® Processor P5300 series
Intel® Atom® Processor P5700 series
Intel® Atom® Processor P5900 series
Networking Server (Basestation) 80667 4c000026 Not Affected
06_8CH 1 NA Tiger Lake U2 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806C1 0xba Not Affected
06_8CH 1 NA Tiger Lake U2 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Embedded 806C1 0xba Not Affected
06_8CH 2 NA
  1. Tiger Lake U Refresh2
  2. Tiger Lake H352
11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806C2 0x3a Not Affected
06_8DH 1 NA Tiger Lake H2
  1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® processor family
806D1 0x54 Not Affected
06_8DH 1 NA Tiger Lake H2
  1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® processor family
Embedded 806D1 0x54 Not Affected
06_8EH 9 NA
  1. Amber Lake-Y
  2. Kaby Lake U
  3. Kaby Lake U23e
  4. Kaby Lake Y
1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
2,3,4. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Mobile 806E9 0xf6 Not Affected
06_8EH A NA
  1. Coffee Lake U43e
  2. Kaby Lake Refresh U
8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806EA 0xf6 Not Affected
06_8EH B NA Whiskey Lake U 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806EB 0xf6 Not Affected
06_8EH C NA
  1. Whiskey Lake U
2,3,4. Comet Lake U42
5. Amber Lake Y
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  3. Intel® Pentium® Gold Processor Series
  4. Intel® Celeron® Processor 5000 Series
  5. 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Mobile 806EC 0xfe Not Affected
06_8FH 5, 6, 7, 8 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Sapphire Rapids
Sapphire Rapids
Edge Enhanced
(Golden Cove)
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
5th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Platinum processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Gold processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Bronze processor family
4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors with Intel® vRAN
Intel® Xeon® W workstation processors
Server workstation 806F5, 806F6, 806F7, 806F8 0x2b000603 MCU
06_8FH 5, 6, 8 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Sapphire Rapids
(Golden Cove)
Intel® Xeon® CPU Max Series processors (High Bandwidth Memory HBM) Server 806F5, 806F6, 806F8 0x2b000603 MCU
06_96H All NA Elkhart Lake (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processors Embedded 90660, 90661 0x1A Not Affected
06_97H 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Alder Lake S (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Embedded, Desktop 90672 0x38 MCU
06_97H 5 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Alder Lake S (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
90675 0x38 MCU
06_97H 5 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 CPUID.0x1A.EAX[31:24] = 40 Catlow (Golden Cove) Intel Pentium Processor
Server 90675 0x38 MCU
06_9AH 3 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1
  1. Alder Lake H (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2
  2. Alder Lake P (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2
  1. 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
906A3 0x436 MCU
06_9AH 4 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1
  1. Alder Lake U (Golden Cove, Gracemont)
12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family
Intel® Pentium® Gold Processor Family
Intel® Celeron® Processor Family
906A4 0x436 MCU
06_9AH 4 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Arizona Beach
Intel® Atom® Processors Embedded 906A4 0x09 Not Affected
06_9CH All NA Jasper Lake (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processors Desktop
906C0 24000026 Not Affected
06_9EH 9 NA
  1. Kaby Lake S12
  2. Kaby Lake H12
  3. Kaby Lake G12
  4. Kaby Lake X12
  5. Kaby Lake Xeon E312
  1. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  3. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
    Intel® Pentium® processor family
  4. Intel® Core™ X-series processors
  5. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  1. Desktop
  2. Mobile
  3. Mobile
  4. Desktop
  5. Server
906E9 0xf8 Not Affected
06_9EH A NA
  1. Coffee Lake H
  2. Coffee Lake S Xeon E
  3. Coffee Lake S x/KBP
  4. Coffee Lake S
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  3. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  4. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
1. Mobile
2. Workstation
AMT Server
3,4. Desktop
906EA 0xfa Not Affected
06_9EH B NA Coffee Lake S
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
  3. Intel® Celeron® Processor G Series
Desktop 906EB 0xf6 Not Affected
06_9EH C NA Coffee Lake S 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Desktop 906EC 0xf8 Not Affected
06_9EH D NA
  1. Coffee Lake H
  2. Coffee Lake Xeon E
  3. Coffee Lake S
  1. 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  3. 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  1. Mobile
  2. Workstation
    AMT Server
  3. Desktop
906ED 0x102 Not Affected
06_A5H 2 NA Comet Lake H 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0652 0xfe Not Affected
06_A5H 3 NA Comet Lake S 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0653 0xfe Not Affected
06_A5H 5 NA Comet Lake S 10th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0655 0xfe Not Affected
06_A6H 0 NA Comet Lake U62 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile A0660 0x100 Not Affected
06_A6H 1 NA Comet Lake U62 Intel® Xeon® W processor family Desktop A0661 0xfe Not Affected
06_A7H 1 NA Rocket Lake 1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
2. Intel® Xeon® E-2300 processor family
3. Intel® Xeon® W-1300 processor family
2: Server
3: Workstation
A0671 0x63 Not Affected
06_AAH 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Meteor Lake (Redwood Cove, Crestmont) Intel® Core™ Ultra processor family Desktop
A06A4 0x1e MCU
06_ADH 0,1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Granite Rapids (Redwood Cove) Intel® Xeon® 6 processor family Server A06D0
NA Not Affected
06_AFH 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Sierra Forest (Crestmont) Intel® Xeon® 6 processor family Server A06F2 NA Not Affected
06_B6H 4 NA Grand Ridge (Crestmont) Intel® Atom® Processors P6000 series Server B0664 NA Not Affected
06_B7H 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake S
Raptor Lake HX
(Raptor Cove/Gracemont)
13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
B0671 0x12c MCU
06_B7H 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 CPUID.0x1A.EAX[31:24] = 40 Catlow (Raptor Cove) Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server B0671 0x12c MCU
06_BAH 2,3 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake P
Raptor Lake H
Raptor Lake U
(Raptor Cove/Gracemont)
13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
Mobile B06A2, B06A3 0x4124 MCU
06_BDH 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Lunar Lake
(Lion Cove, Skymont)
Intel® Core™ Ultra 5, 7, 9 processor families Mobile B06D1 0x116 Not Affected
06_BEH 0 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Alder Lake-N
Intel® Core™ Processor N series
Intel® Processor N-series
Intel Atom® Processor X Series
B06E0 0x1c Not Affected
06_BFH 2, 5 (C0) CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake S (Raptor Cove/Gracemont) 13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Processor U-series
Mobile B06F2
0x38 MCU
06_C6H 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Arrow Lake
(Lion Cove, Skymont)
Intel® Core™ Ultra 5,7,9 processor families Desktop C0662 0x110 Not Affected
06_CFH 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Emerald Rapids (Raptor Cove) 5th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors Server C06F2 0x21000283 MCU


CPUID Family_Model
All unless otherwise noted
CPUID Hybrid
Code Names or Microarchitectures
Select this heading to sort in ascending or descending numerical order
Product Family Segment CPUID1
Select this heading to sort in ascending or descending numerical order
MCU Update2
where applicable
Sub-Page Permission
Running Average Power Limit Derivative (RAPL)
INTEL SA-01103
Machine Check Error Avoidance Derivative
Register File Data Sampling (RFDS) (Floating Point/Integer / Single Instruction/Multiple Data)
Trusted Execution Configuration Register Access
Incomplete Branch Prediction Barrier
Bus Lock Regulator
Redundant Prefix Issue (Reptar)
Gather Data Sampling (GDS/Downfall)
Post-barrier Return Stack Buffer Predictions
Stale Data Read from Legacy xAPIC (AEPIC Leak)
Return Stack Buffer Underflow (RSBU)
RSB Alternate Behavior (RSBA)
Return Stack Buffer Underflow (RSBU)
Restricted RSB Alternate Behavior (RRSBA)
MMIO: Device Register Partial Write (DRPW)
MMIO: Shared Buffers Data Sampling (SBDS)
Shared Buffers Data Read (SBDR)
Undefined MMIO Hang (UMH)
Branch History Injection (BHI)
CVE-2022-0001 INTEL-SA-00598
Intra-Mode BTI
CVE-2022-0002 INTEL-SA-00598
Fast Store Forwarding Predictor: Cross Domain
CVE-2021-0145 INTEL-SA-00561
Missing Page Fault
CVE-2021-33120 INTEL-SA-00589
              Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: Sub-page Permission Intel Guidance: RAPL Overview Intel Guidance: Machine Check Error Avoidance Technical Documentation Intel Guidance: Register File Data Sampling Intel Guidance: Trusted Execution Configuration Register Access Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: Redundant Prefix Issue Intel Guidance: Gather Data Sampling technical documentation Intel Guidance: Post-barrier Return Stack Buffer Predictions Overview Intel Guidance: Stale Data Read from Legacy xAPIC Intel Guidance: Return Stack Buffer Underflow Intel Guidance: Return Stack Buffer Underflow Intel Guidance: Memory-Mapped I/O Overview Intel Guidance: Memory-Mapped I/O Overview Intel Guidance: UMH Overview Intel Guidance: Branch History Injection Overview Intel Guidance: Branch History Injection Overview Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode
06_3FH 2 NA Haswell Server EP, EP4S9, 12 Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server 306F2 0x4A Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_3FH 4 NA Haswell Server EX12 Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server 306F4 0x1b Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_4FH 1 NA
  1. Broadwell Server E, EP4S
  2. Broadwell Server EX
  1. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  1. Server
  2. Server
406F1 0b000041 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_55H 3 NA Skylake Server10 Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 50653 1000191 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_55H 4 NA
  1. Skylake Server10
  2. Skylake D, Bakerville10
  3. Skylake W10
  4. Skylake X10
  1. Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® D processor family
  3. Intel® Xeon® W processor family
  4. Intel® Core™ X-series Processors
1,2,3. Server
4. Desktop
50654 2007006 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_55H 6 NA Cascade Lake Server9 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 50656 04003006 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_55H 7 NA
  1. Cascade Lake Server9, 12
  2. Cascade Lake W9, 12
  3. Cascade Lake X9, 12
  1. 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® W processor family
  3. Intel® Core™ X-series processor family
  1. Server
  2. Workstation
  3. Desktop
50657 5003801 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_55H B NA Cooper Lake 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 5065B 07002a01 Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_56H 3 NA Broadwell DE V2,V310 Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50663 700001e Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_56H 4 NA Broadwell DE Y010 Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50664 f00001b Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_56H 5 NA
  1. Broadwell DE A110
  2. Hewitt Lake (Broadwell DE)10
Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50665 e000015 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_5CH A NA Apollo Lake12 Intel® Atom® Processor E3900 Series processor family Desktop
506CA 0x28 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_5EH 3 NA 1. Skylake Xeon E312
2. Skylake H
3. Skylake S
1. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
2. 6th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
1. Server Workstation Embedded
2. Mobile
3. Desktop
506E3 0xf6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_5FH All NA Denverton (Goldmont) Intel® Atom® C processor family Server 506F1 0x3e Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_6AH 6 NA Ice Lake Xeon-SP 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server Workstation 606A6 d0003f5 Software MCU Not Affected Not Affected MCU +BIOS Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software MCU +
Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_6CH All NA Ice Lake Xeon D (Idaville) Intel® Xeon® D processor family Embedded 606C1 010002c0 Software MCU Not Affected Not Affected MCU +BIOS Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software MCU +
Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_7AH 1 NA Gemini Lake
  1. Intel® Pentium® Processor Silver Series
  2. Intel® Celeron® Processor J Series
  3. Intel® Celeron® Processor N Series
706A1 0x40 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU_BIOS + SW Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software11 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_7AH 8 NA Gemini Lake
  1. Intel® Celeron® Processor J Series
  2. Intel® Celeron® Processor N Series
  1. Desktop
  2. Mobile
706A8 0x24 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU_BIOS + SW Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software11 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_7EH 5 NA Ice Lake U
Ice Lake Y
10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 706E5 0xc6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software Software11 Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Not Affected Software Software MCU Not Affected
06_86H 5 NA Snow Ridge BTS (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processor P5900 series Networking Server (Basestation) 80665 4c000026 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected MCU
06_86H 7 NA Parker Ridge / Snow Ridge
Intel Atom® Processor C5000 series
Intel Atom® Processor P5300 series
Intel® Atom® Processor P5700 series
Intel® Atom® Processor P5900 series
Networking Server (Basestation) 80667 4c000026 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected MCU
06_8CH 1 NA Tiger Lake U2 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806C1 0xba Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Software Software MCU Not Affected
06_8CH 1 NA Tiger Lake U2 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Embedded 806C1 0xba Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU_BIOS + BIOS MCU_BIOS + BIOS Not Affected Software Software MCU Not Affected
06_8CH 2 NA
  1. Tiger Lake U Refresh2
  2. Tiger Lake H352
11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806C2 0x3a Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Software MCU Not Affected
06_8DH 1 NA Tiger Lake H2
  1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® processor family
806D1 0x54 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_8DH 1 NA Tiger Lake H2
  1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® processor family
Embedded 806D1 0x54 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU_BIOS + BIOS Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_8EH 9 NA
  1. Amber Lake-Y
  2. Kaby Lake U
  3. Kaby Lake U23e
  4. Kaby Lake Y
1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
2,3,4. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Mobile 806E9 0xf6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_8EH A NA
  1. Coffee Lake U43e
  2. Kaby Lake Refresh U
8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806EA 0xf6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_8EH B NA Whiskey Lake U 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806EB 0xf6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_8EH C NA
  1. Whiskey Lake U
2,3,4. Comet Lake U42
5. Amber Lake Y
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  3. Intel® Pentium® Gold Processor Series
  4. Intel® Celeron® Processor 5000 Series
  5. 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Mobile 806EC 0xfe Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_8FH 5, 6, 7, 8 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Sapphire Rapids
Sapphire Rapids
Edge Enhanced
(Golden Cove)
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
5th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Platinum processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Gold processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Bronze processor family
4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors with Intel® vRAN
Intel® Xeon® W workstation processors
Server workstation 806F5, 806F6, 806F7, 806F8 0x2b000603 Software MCU Not Affected Not Affected MCU +BIOS MCU MCU MCU Not Affected Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_8FH 5, 6, 8 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Sapphire Rapids
(Golden Cove)
Intel® Xeon® CPU Max Series processors (High Bandwidth Memory HBM) Server 806F5, 806F6, 806F8 0x2b000603 Software MCU Not Affected Not Affected MCU +BIOS MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_96H All NA Elkhart Lake (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processors Embedded 90660, 90661 0x1A Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected MCU
06_97H 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Alder Lake S (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Embedded, Desktop 90672 0x38 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected MCU MCU MCU Not Affected Software Software Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU+ Software MCU+ Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_97H 5 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Alder Lake S (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
90675 0x38 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected MCU MCU MCU Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU+ Software MCU+ Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_97H 5 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 CPUID.0x1A.EAX[31:24] = 40 Catlow (Golden Cove) Intel Pentium Processor
Server 90675 0x38 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU MCU Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU+ Software MCU+ Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_9AH 3 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1
  1. Alder Lake H (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2
  2. Alder Lake P (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2
  1. 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
906A3 0x436 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected MCU MCU MCU Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU+ Software MCU+ Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_9AH 4 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Alder Lake U (Golden Cove, Gracemont) 1. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
2. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
3. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® processor family
4. Intel® Core™ X-series processors
5. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
906A4 0x436 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected MCU MCU MCU Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU+ Software MCU+ Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_9AH 4 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Arizona Beach
Intel® Atom® Processors Embedded 906A4 0x09 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_9CH All NA Jasper Lake (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processors Desktop
906C0 24000026 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected MCU
06_9EH 9 NA
  1. Kaby Lake S12
  2. Kaby Lake H12
  3. Kaby Lake G12
  4. Kaby Lake X12
  5. Kaby Lake Xeon E312
  1. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  3. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
    Intel® Pentium® processor family
  4. Intel® Core™ X-series processors
  5. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  1. Desktop
  2. Mobile
  3. Mobile
  4. Desktop
  5. Server
906E9 0xf8 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_9EH A NA
  1. Coffee Lake H
  2. Coffee Lake S Xeon E
  3. Coffee Lake S x/KBP
  4. Coffee Lake S
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  3. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  4. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
1. Mobile
2. Workstation
AMT Server
3,4. Desktop
906EA 0xfa Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_9EH B NA Coffee Lake S
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
  3. Intel® Celeron® Processor G Series
Desktop 906EB 0xf6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_9EH C NA Coffee Lake S 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Desktop 906EC 0xf8 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected
06_9EH D NA
  1. Coffee Lake H
  2. Coffee Lake Xeon E
  3. Coffee Lake S
  1. 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  3. 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  1. Mobile
  2. Workstation
    AMT Server
  3. Desktop
906ED 0x102 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_A5H 2 NA Comet Lake H 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0652 0xfe Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_A5H 3 NA Comet Lake S 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0653 0xfe Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_A5H 5 NA Comet Lake S 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0655 0xfe Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_A6H 0 NA Comet Lake U62 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile A0660 0x100 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_A6H 1 NA Comet Lake U62 Intel® Xeon® W processor family Desktop A0661 0xfe Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Software Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Software Software Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_A7H 1 NA Rocket Lake 1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
2. Intel® Xeon® E-2300 processor family
3. Intel® Xeon® W-1300 processor family
2: Server
3: Workstation
A0671 0x63 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Software Software11 Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software Software Software MCU Not Affected
06_AAH 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Meteor Lake (Redwood Cove, Crestmont) Intel® Core™ Ultra processor family Desktop
A06A4 0x1e Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_ADH 0,1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Granite Rapids (Redwood Cove) Intel® Xeon® 6 processor family Server A06D0
NA Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_AFH 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Sierra Forest (Crestmont) Intel® Xeon® 6 processor family Server A06F2 NA Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_B6H 4 NA Grand Ridge (Crestmont) Intel® Atom® Processors P6000 series Server B0664 NA Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_B7H 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake S
Raptor Lake HX
(Raptor Cove/Gracemont)
13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
B0671 0x12c Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_B7H 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 CPUID.0x1A.EAX[31:24] = 40 Catlow (Raptor Cove) Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server B0671 0x12c Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_BAH 2,3 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake P
Raptor Lake H
Raptor Lake U
(Raptor Cove/Gracemont)
13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
Mobile B06A2, B06A3 0x4124 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_BDH 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Lunar Lake
(Lion Cove, Skymont)
Intel® Core™ Ultra 5, 7, 9 processor families Mobile B06D1 0x116 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_BEH 0 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Alder Lake-N
Intel® Core™ Processor N series
Intel® Processor N-series
Intel Atom® Processor X Series
B06E0 0x1c Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_BFH 2, 5 (C0) CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake S (Raptor Cove/Gracemont) 13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Processor U-series
Mobile B06F2
0x38 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected MCU MCU MCU Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_C6H 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Arrow Lake
(Lion Cove, Skymont)
Intel® Core™ Ultra 5,7,9 processor families Desktop C0662 0x110 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected
06_CFH 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Emerald Rapids (Raptor Cove) 5th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors Server C06F2 0x21000283 Software MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected


CPUID Family_Model
All unless otherwise noted
CPUID Hybrid
Code Names or Microarchitectures
Select this heading to sort in ascending or descending numerical order
Product Family Segment CPUID1
Select this heading to sort in ascending or descending numerical order
MCU Update2
where applicable
Speculative Code Store Bypass (SCSB)
CVE-2021-0089 INTEL-SA-00516
Floating Point Value Injection (FPVI)
CVE-2021-0086 INTEL-SA-00516
IBRS Guest/Host
CVE-2020-24511 INTEL-SA-00464
Influence of Trivial Data Value in Cache Policy
CVE-2020-24512 INTEL-SA-00464
Atom Processor Domain Bypass
CVE-2020-24513 INTEL-SA-00465
Running Average Power Limit (RAPL/Platypus)
CVE-2020-8695 INTEL-SA-00389
Fast Store Forwarding Predictor: Cross Thread
CVE-2020-8698 INTEL-SA-00381
Special Register Buffer Data Sampling (SRBDS/Crosstalk)
SRBDS Update
Snoop-assisted L1D Sampling
CVE-2020-0550 INTEL-SA-00330
Load Value Injection: Zero Data
CVE-2020-0551 INTEL-SA-00334
Load Value Injection: Stale Data
CVE-2020-0551 INTEL-SA-00334
L1D Eviction Sampling
CVE-2020-0549 INTEL-SA-00329
Vector Register Sampling Active
CVE 2020-8696 INTEL-SA-00381
Vector Register Sampling
CVE-2020-0548 INTEL-SA-00329
Machine Check Error Avoidance
CVE-2018-12207 INTEL-SA-00210
TSX Asynchronous Abort (TAA)
CVE-2019-11135 INTEL-SA-00270
Microarchitectural Load Port Data Sampling (Fallout/RIDL/Zombieload)
CVE-2018-12127 INTEL-SA-00233
Microarchitectural Store Buffer Data Sampling (Fallout/RIDL/Zombieload)
CVE-2018-12126 INTEL-SA-00233
Microarchitectural Fill Buffer Data Sampling (Fallout/RIDL/Zombieload)
CVE-2018-12130 INTEL-SA-00233
L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF/Foreshadow)
CVE-2018-3615 CVE-2018-3620 CVE-2018-3646 INTEL-SA-00161
Speculative Store Bypass (Spectre v4)
CVE-2018-3639 INTEL-SA-00115
Rogue System Register Read (Spectre v3a):RDMSR3
CVE-2018-3640 INTEL-SA-00115
Rogue Data Cache Load (Meltdown)
CVE-2017-5754 INTEL-SA-00088
Branch Target Injection (Spectre v2)
CVE-2017-5715 INTEL-SA-00088
Bounds Check Bypass (Spectre v1)
CVE-2017-5753 INTEL-SA-00088
              Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: SCSB Overview Intel Guidance: FPVI Overview Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: RAPL Overview Intel Guidance: Updating Microcode Intel Guidance: SRBDS Deep Dive Intel Guidance: Snoop-assisted L1D Sampling Deep Dive Intel Guidance: Load Value Injection Deep Dive Intel Guidance: Load Value Injection Deep Dive Intel Guidance: L1D Eviction Sampling Overview Intel Guidance: Vector Register Sampling Overview Intel Guidance: Vector Register Sampling Overview Intel Guidance: Machine Check Error Avoidance Deep Dive Intel Guidance: TSX Asynchronous Abort Deep Dive Intel Guidance: SWAPGS Deep Dive Intel Guidance: Microarchitectural Data Sampling Deep Dive Intel Guidance: Microarchitectural Data Sampling Deep Dive Intel Guidance: Microarchitectural Data Sampling Deep Dive Intel Guidance: L1 Terminal Fault Overview Intel Guidance: Speculative Store Bypass Overview Intel Guidance: Rogue System Register Read Overview Intel Guidance: Rogue Data Cache Load Overview Intel Guidance: Branch Target Injection Overview Intel Guidance: Bounds Check Bypass Overview
06_3FH 2 NA Haswell Server EP, EP4S9, 12 Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server 306F2 0x4A Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_3FH 4 NA Haswell Server EX12 Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server 306F4 0x1b Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_4FH 1 NA
  1. Broadwell Server E, EP, EP4S
  2. Broadwell Server EX
  1. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  1. Server
  2. Server
406F1 0b000041 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_55H 3 NA Skylake Server10 Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 50653 1000191 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_55H 4 NA
  1. Skylake Server10
  2. Skylake D, Bakerville10
  3. Skylake W10
  4. Skylake X10
  1. Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® D processor family
  3. Intel® Xeon® W processor family
  4. Intel® Core™ X-series Processors
1,2,3. Server
4. Desktop
50654 2007006 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_55H 6 NA Cascade Lake Server9 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 50656 04003006 Software4 Software4 MCU Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_55H 7 NA
  1. Cascade Lake Server9, 12
  2. Cascade Lake W9, 12
  3. Cascade Lake X9, 12
  1. 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® W processor family
  3. Intel® Core™ X-series processor family
  1. Server
  2. Workstation
  3. Desktop
50657 5003801 Software4 Software4 MCU Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_55H B NA Cooper Lake 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family Server 5065B 07002a01 Software4 Software4 MCU Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_56H 3 NA Broadwell DE V2,V310 Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50663 700001e Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 Not Affected No planned mitigation7 No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_56H 4 NA Broadwell DE Y010 Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50664 f00001b Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_56H 5 NA
  1. Broadwell DE A110
  2. Hewitt Lake (Broadwell DE)10
Intel® Xeon® D processor family Server 50665 e000015 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 Not Affected Not Affected No planned mitigation7 No planned mitigation6 No planned mitigation6 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_5CH A NA Apollo Lake12 Intel® Atom® Processor E3900 Series processor family Desktop
506CA 0x28 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Software4
06_5EH 3 NA 1. Skylake Xeon E312
2. Skylake H
3. Skylake S
1. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
2. 6th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
1. Server Workstation Embedded
2. Mobile
3. Desktop
506E3 0xf6 Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_5FH All NA Denverton (Goldmont) Intel® Atom® C processor family Server 506F1 0x3e Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Software4
06_6AH 6 NA Ice Lake Xeon-SP 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
  1. Server
  2. Workstation
606A6 d0003f5 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_6CH All NA Ice Lake Xeon D (Idaville) Intel® Xeon® D processor family Embedded 606C1 010002c0 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_7AH 1 NA Gemini Lake
  1. Intel® Pentium® Processor Silver Series
  2. Intel® Celeron® Processor J Series
  3. Intel® Celeron® Processor N Series
706A1 0x40 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software MCU + Software Software4
06_7AH 8 NA Gemini Lake
  1. Intel® Celeron® Processor J Series
  2. Intel® Celeron® Processor N Series
  1. Desktop
  2. Mobile
706A8 0x24 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Software4
06_7EH 5 NA Ice Lake U
Ice Lake Y
10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 706E5 0xc6 Software4 Software4 MCU MCU Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Software Not Affected Hardware + MCU Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_86H 5 NA Snow Ridge BTS (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processor P5900 series Server
80665 4c000026 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_86H 7 NA Parker Ridge / Snow Ridge
Intel Atom® Processor C5000 series
Intel Atom® Processor P5300 series
Intel® Atom® Processor P5700 series
Intel® Atom® Processor P5900 series
Networking 80667 4c000026 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_8CH 1 NA Tiger Lake U2 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile
806C1 0xba Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_8CH 1 NA Tiger Lake U2 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Embedded 806C1 0xba Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_8CH 2 NA
  1. Tiger Lake U Refresh2
  2. Tiger Lake H352
11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806C2 0x3a Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_8DH 1 NA Tiger Lake H2
  1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® processor family
806D1 0x54 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_8DH 1 NA Tiger Lake H2
  1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® processor family
Embedded 806D1 0x54 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_8EH 9 NA
  1. Amber Lake-Y
  2. Kaby Lake U
  3. Kaby Lake U23e
  4. Kaby Lake Y
1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
2,3,4. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Mobile 806E9 0xf6 Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_8EH A NA
  1. Coffee Lake U43e
  2. Kaby Lake Refresh U
8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806EA 0xf6 Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_8EH B NA Whiskey Lake U 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile 806EB 0xf6 Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Not Affected MCU + Software MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Software4
06_8EH C NA
  1. Whiskey Lake U
2,3,4. Comet Lake U42
5. Amber Lake Y
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  3. Intel® Pentium® Gold Processor Series
  4. Intel® Celeron® Processor 5000 Series
  5. 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Mobile 806EC 0xfe Software4 Software4 MCU MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_8FH 5, 6, 7, 8 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Sapphire Rapids
(Golden Cove)
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Platinum processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Gold processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver processor family
4th Generation Intel® Xeon®Bronze processor family
4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors with Intel® vRAN
Intel® Xeon® W workstation processors
806F5, 806F6, 806F7, 806F8 0x2b000603 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_8FH 5, 8 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15]=0 Sapphire Rapids
(Golden cove)
Intel® Xeon® CPU Max Series processors (High Bandwidth Memory HBM) Server 806F5, 806F8 0x2b000603 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_96H All NA Elkhart Lake (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processors Embedded 90660, 90661 0x1A Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_97H 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Alder Lake S (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Embedded, Desktop 90672 0x38 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software
06_97H 5 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Alder Lake S (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
90675 0x38 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_97H 5 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 CPUID.0x1A.EAX[31:24] = 40 Catlow (Golden Cove) Intel Pentium Processor G7400/G7400T Server 90675 0x38 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_9AH 3 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1
  1. Alder Lake H (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2
  2. Alder Lake P (Golden Cove, Gracemont)2
  1. 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
906A3 0x436 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_9AH 4 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1
  1. Alder Lake U (Golden Cove, Gracemont)
1. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
2. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
3. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® processor family
4. Intel® Core™ X-series processors
5. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
906A4 0x436 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_9AH 4 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Arizona Beach (Gracemont) Intel® Atom® Processors Embedded 906A4 0x09 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_9CH All NA Jasper Lake (Tremont) Intel® Atom® Processors Desktop
906C0 24000026 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected MCU MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_9EH 9 NA
  1. Kaby Lake S 12
  2. Kaby Lake H 12
  3. Kaby Lake G 12
  4. Kaby Lake X 12
  5. Kaby Lake Xeon E3 12
  1. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. 7th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  3. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
    Intel® Pentium® processor family
  4. Intel® Core™ X-series processors
  5. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  1. Desktop
  2. Mobile
  3. Mobile
  4. Desktop
  5. Server
906E9 0xf8 Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_9EH A NA
  1. Coffee Lake H
  2. Coffee Lake S Xeon E
  3. Coffee Lake S x/KBP
  4. Coffee Lake S
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  3. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  4. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
1. Mobile
2. Workstation
AMT Server
3,4. Desktop
906EA 0xfa Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_9EH B NA Coffee Lake S
  1. 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
  3. Intel® Celeron® Processor G Series
Desktop 906EB 0xf6 Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU Software MCU + Software Software4
06_9EH C NA Coffee Lake S 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Desktop 906EC 0xf8 Software4 Software4 Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software MCU + Software MCU + Software Not Affected Hardware + Software MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Software4
06_9EH D NA
  1. Coffee Lake H
  2. Coffee Lake Xeon E
  3. Coffee Lake S
  1. 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E processor family
  3. 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  1. Mobile
  2. Workstation
    AMT Server
  3. Desktop
906ED 0x102 Software4 Software4 MCU MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected MCU + Software Not Affected Software5 Software5 MCU MCU + Software MCU + Software Software MCU + Software Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software MCU Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_A5H 2 NA Comet Lake H 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0652 0xfc Software4 Software4 MCU MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software5 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software MCU Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_A5H 3 NA Comet Lake-S 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0653 0xfe Software4 Software4 MCU MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software5 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software MCU Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_A5H 5 NA Comet Lake-S 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Xeon® W processor family
A0655 0xfe Software4 Software4 MCU MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software5 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software MCU Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_A6H 0 NA Comet Lake U62 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family Mobile A0660 0x100 Software4 Software4 MCU MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software5 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software MCU Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_A6H 1 NA Comet Lake U62 Intel® Xeon® W processor family Desktop A0661 0xfe Software4 Software4 MCU MCU Not Affected MCU Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software5 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software MCU Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_A7H 1 NA Rocket Lake
  1. 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
  2. Intel® Xeon® E-2300 processor family
  3. Intel® Xeon® W-1300 processor family
  1. Desktop
  2. Server
  3. Workstation
A0671 0x63 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software5 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_AAH 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Meteor Lake (Redwood, Cresmont) Intel® Core™ Ultra processor family Desktop
A06A4 0x1e Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_ADH 0, 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Granite Rapids (Redwood Cove) Intel® Xeon® 6 processor family Server A06D0
NA Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_AFH 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Sierra Forest (Crestmont) Intel® Xeon® 6 processor family Server A06F2 NA Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_B6H 4 NA Grand Ridge (Crestmont) Intel® Atom® Processors P6000 series Server B0664 NA Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_B7H 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake S
Raptor Lake HX
(Raptor Cove/Gracemont)
13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
B0671 0x12c Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_B7H 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 CPUID.0x1A.EAX[31:24] = 40 Catlow (Raptor Cove) Intel® Xeon® E processor family Server B0671 0x12c Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_BAH 2,3 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake P
Raptor Lake H
Raptor Lake U
(Raptor Cove/Gracemont)
13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Pentium® Gold processor family
Intel® Celeron® processor family
Mobile B06A2, B06A3 0x4124 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_BDH 1 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Lunar Lake
(Lion Cove, Skymont)
Intel® Core™ Ultra 5, 7, 9 processor families Mobile B06D1 0x116 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_BEH 0 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Alder Lake-N (Gracemont) Intel® Core™ Processor N series
Intel® Processor N-series
Intel Atom® Processor X Series
B06E0 0x1c Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_BFH 2, 5 (C0) CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Raptor Lake S (Raptor Cove/Gracemont) 13th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
14th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Intel® Processor U-series
Mobile B06F2
0x38 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_C6H 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =1 Arrow Lake
(Lion Cove, Skymont)
Intel® Core™ Ultra 5,7,9 processor families Desktop C0662 0x110 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4
06_CFH 2 CPUID.0x7.EDX[15] =0 Emerald Rapids (Raptor Cove) 5th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors Server C06F2 0x21000283 Software4 Software4 Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Software Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Not Affected Not Affected Hardware + Software Software4