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In some situations, it may be possible to infer stale data using the speculative execution side channel vulnerability Gather Data Sampling (GDS). Intel is providing a microcode update to mitigate GDS.
Intel researchers have discovered potential issues with the Sub-page Permission (SPP) feature. Although these issues pose no security risk, Intel recommends discontinuing SPP support in all cases.
On certain processors, malicious firmware might compromise the protections of Intel SGX or Intel TDX environments. Microcode and BIOS updates, as well as a reboot, are needed to mitigate this issue.
Technical deep dive and mitigation instructions for the cross-domain transient execution attack Load Value Injection (LVI)
System software for some Intel® Xeon Scalable Processors has been updated to prevent unprivileged users from directly accessing the Intel® DSA and Intel IAA accelerators.
Technical description of Branch History Injection and Intra-mode Branch Target Injection, which are variants of Branch Target Injection (Spectre variant 2), a cross-domain transient execution attack.
In some situations, a mitigated vulnerability known as Register File Data Sampling (RFDS) may allow an attacker to infer data previously used in floating point, vector, or integer registers.
Technical deep dive on using the retpoline software construct to help mitigate branch target injection (Spectre v2) cross-domain transient execution attacks
Disclosure, description, enumeration, and mitigation recommendations for a class of processor MMIO vulnerabilities that can expose data.
Technical deep dive and mitigation instructions for the domain bypass transient execution attack Special Register Buffer Data Sampling (SRBDS / Crosstalk)
Introduction to transient execution side channel mitigation methods
Introduction and analysis of speculative/transient execution side channel methods
Technical and mitigations for the transient execution attacks classified as Microarchitectural Data Sampling (Zombieload/Fallout/RIDL)
Technical documentation and mitigation instructions for the domain bypass transient execution attack Snoop-assisted L1 Data Sampling
Technical documentation on how to avoid system hangs and crashes caused by machine check error code 0150H upon memory page size changes in certain processors.
Technical on how to avoid system hangs and crashes caused by machine check error code 0150H upon memory page size changes in certain processors
Technical deep dive and mitigation instructions for transient execution attacks on Intel® Transactional Synchronization Extensions (Intel® TSX) caused by memory transactions which asynchronously abort
Technical description of the speculative behavior of the SWAPGS instruction and memory segment registers
Technical deep dive to help firmware developers and firmware consumers understand and mitigate transient execution attacks in ring 0 firmware runtimes
Technical deep dive and mitigation instructions for the domain bypass transient execution attacks classified as L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF/Foreshadow)
Technical deep dive on how to analyze and mitigate potential bounds check bypass vulnerabilities found using static analysis and manual code inspection
Technical deep dive to help developers understand and mitigate certain transient execution attacks in Linux* environments
Technical deep dive to help developers understand and mitigate transient execution attacks in managed runtimes (JavaScript*, Java*, and C#) and their JIT/AOT compiler frameworks
Intel's overview of speculative execution side channel methods (transient execution attacks) such as Spectre v1 (bounds check bypass) and Meltdown (rogue data cache load)