Software Security Guidance
This information is designed for developers and systems experts looking to understand potential vulnerabilities and assess risk, with resources and recommendations for building more secure solutions.
Best Practices
Principles and techniques that Intel recommends in order to write more secure code, optimize the performance of particular environments and workloads, and better understand the evolving security landscape.
Product and Performance Information
Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors. Learn more at
Features and benefits in Intel® technologies depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration. No product or component can be absolutely secure. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer or learn more at
Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors.
Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. For more complete information visit
Performance results are based on testing as of dates shown in configurations and may not reflect all publicly available updates.
The products and services described may contain defects or errors known as errata which may cause deviations from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Intel provides these materials as-is, with no express or implied warranties.