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Do I Need to Install Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software on a Windows® 10 System?

Content Type: Install & Setup   |   Article ID: 000031026   |   Last Reviewed: 02/11/2025


Operating System

Windows® 10 family
Important Notice

The Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software Legacy and DCH versions have been placed in End-Of Life (EOL) status starting with software package version 21.50.X onwards.

Your wireless adapter doesn't require the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software on Windows® 10. As such, we don't recommend installing the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software on Windows® 10 unless you meet the criteria outlined in the exceptions below.

Starting with release version 20.120 on Windows® 10, a driver-only installation package is provided on Download Center.

The Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and its supported features have evolved (or have been deprecated) over the years and across different Windows Operating System(OS) versions.

On Windows® 10 the Intel PROSet/Wireless Software supports the following features:

  • IT Administrator tools
  • Cisco* Compatible Extensions (CCX) for enterprise security. (no longer included in Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software version 20.90 and later)
  • Application Programmable Interface (API) set for system manufacturer to create applications that interacts with the Wi-Fi adapter and platform.
  • "Profile Sync" optional functionality (only applicable with Intel® vPro™ systems).

If you fall into one of the following two user categories:

    • Your system manufacturer pre-installed the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software on your system. 
    • You're an IT administrator who needs one or more of the above mentioned features.

    We recommend that you get the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software from your system manufacturer, however, you may also get the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software from the IT Administrator Download.