Smart Food QC - School : A Child Nutrition and Health Monitoring IoT-AI Platform
About this offer
UdyogYantra Child Nutrition and Health Monitoring IoT - AI Platform ( ) Tracking nutrition and health for millions of school going children both, under school meal scheme and otherwise, using IIOT, ML & AI for real time monitoring of quantity, quality and traceability of meals being served to these children to tag each child to the actual nutrients being consumed and tracking BMI on a daily basis. Importance of Authentication and Monitoring of Child Nutrition In India, 94 percent of children in the age group of 6 to 9 are mildly, moderately, or severely underweight. About 67.5 percent of children under 5 years and 69% of adolescent girls suffer from anaemia due to iron and folic acid deficiency. Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is a major public health problem in India. This affects the child at the most crucial period of time of development, which can lead to permanent impairment in later life. Undernutrition predisposes the child to infection and complements its effect in contributing to child mortality The Mid-day Meal Scheme is a school meal programme of the Government of India designed to better the nutritional standing of school-age children nationwide. The programme supplies free lunches on working days for children serving 120,000,000 children In 2019, globally 17.3 million schoolchildren received meals from World Food Program in 59 countries Problem is that most of the monitoring of such schemes is manual and hence prone to system level inconsistencies in delivery which puts millions of children on malnutrition related health risks. UdyogYantra Smart Food QC – School solves this problem using IoT & AI at the last mile. UdyogYantra has developed a (design and technology patent pending) IoT Device powered by AI to digitize, authenticate, and monitor in real time the food being served to children at last mile. AI identifies the food contents, it’s nutritional value, facial recognition of child, predicts health trends based on the nutritional intake and BMI. School, School Meals, Mid-Day Meal Schemes of Governments or UN World Food Programme can be tracked to the last student by using AI & IoT to identify the child and the food contents along with the quantity being served to the child in real time. AI Technology ensures that the right nutrition is reaching to the intended recipient child at the last mile.
Technical Specifications
- Category:
- Solution: Intel® Market Ready Solutions
- End Customer Type:
Small and Medium sized Business
- Deep Learning Framework:
- ToolKit:
Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit
- Topology:
- Deployment Architecture:
Google Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
Included Intel Technology
Intel® Celeron® Processor

Intel® Celeron® Processor J Series
Intel® NUC Kits
Intel® NUC Kit with Intel® Celeron® Processors
UdyogYantra Technologies
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UdyogYantra is an Industry 4.0 startup, developing patent pending AI & IoT based Products for Food & Agri Tech that ensure real time monitoring and control of Food, Agri and Farm su...
Smart Food Qc - School : A Child Nutrition And Health Monitoring Iot-ai Platform
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