AXI Multichannel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 817911
Date 7/22/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.5.6. HIP Reconfig AXI-Lite Slave (user_csr_lite)

The Hard IP Reconfiguration interface is an AXI-Lite slave interface with a 21-bit address and a 32-bit data bus. You can use this bus to dynamically modify the value of configuration registers that are read-only at run time.

Note: After a warm reset or cold reset, changes made to the configuration registers of the Hard IP via the Hard IP reconfiguration interface are lost as these registers revert back to their default values.

Interface clock: axi_lite_clk

Table 29.  HIP Reconfig AXI-Lite Slave Interface
Signal Name Direction Description
Write Address Channel
usr_hip_reconfig_awvalid Input

Indicates that the write address channel signals are valid

usr_hip_reconfig_awready Output

Indicates that a transfer on the write address channel can be accepted

usr_hip_reconfig_awaddr[19:0] Input

The address of the first transfer in a write transaction

Write Data Channel
usr_hip_reconfig_wvalid Input

Indicates that the write data channel signals are valid

usr_hip_reconfig_wready Output

Indicates that a transfer on the write data channel can be accepted

usr_hip_reconfig_wdata[31:0] Input

Write data

usr_hip_reconfig_wstrb[3:0] Input

Write strobes

Indicates which byte lanes hold valid data

Write Response Channel
usr_hip_reconfig_bvalid Output

Indicates that the write response channel signals are valid

usr_hip_reconfig_bready Input

Indicates that a transfer on the write response channel can be accepted

usr_hip_reconfig_bresp[1:0] Output

Write response

Indicates the status of a write transaction

Read Address Channel
usr_hip_reconfig_arvalid Input

Indicates that the read address channel signals are valid

usr_hip_reconfig_arready Output

Indicates that a transfer on the read address channel can be accepted

usr_hip_reconfig_araddr[19:0] Input

The address of the first transfer in a read transaction

Read Data Channel
usr_hip_reconfig_rvalid Output

Indicates that the read data channel signals are valid

usr_hip_reconfig_rready Input

Indicates that a transfer on the read data channel can be accepted

usr_hip_reconfig_rdata[31:0] Output

Read data

usr_hip_reconfig_rresp[1:0] Output

Read response

Indicates the status of a read transfer.
  • 2'b00: OKAY
  • 2'b01: EXOKAY
  • 2'b10: SLVERR
  • 2'b11: DECERR