AXI Multichannel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 817911
Date 7/22/2024

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4.5.11. Configuration Slave (cs_lite_respndr) - RP Only

The Configuration Slave (CS) interface is applicable only in Root Port mode. For functional description, refer to Configuration Slave (CS) (14-bit address format) in the Multi Channel DMA Intel FPGA IP for PCI Express User Guide. Note: The AVMM interface is replaced with AXI Lite.

Interface clock: axi_lite_clk

Table 35.  Configuration Slave Interface
Signal Name Direction Description
Write Address Channel
cs_axi_lite_awvalid Input

Write address valid.

cs_axi_lite_awready Output

Write address ready.

cs_axi_lite_awaddr[13:0] Input

Write address.

Write Data Channel
cs_axi_lite_wvalid Input Write data valid.
cs_axi_lite_wready Output Write data ready.
cs_axi_lite_wdata[31:0] Input Write data.
cs_axi_lite_wstrb[3:0] Input Write data strobes. This indicates which byte lanes are valid.
Write Response Channel
cs_axi_lite_bvalid Output Write response valid.
cs_axi_lite_bready Input Write response ready.
cs_axi_lite_bresp[1:0] Output Write response. This signal indicates the status of the write transaction.
Read Address Channel
cs_axi_lite_arvalid Input Read address valid.
cs_axi_lite_arready Output Read address ready.
cs_axi_lite_araddr[13:0] Input Read address.
Read Data Channel
cs_axi_lite_rvalid Output Read data valid.
cs_axi_lite_rready Input Read data ready.
cs_axi_lite_rdata[31:0] Output Read data.
cs_axi_lite_rresp[1:0] Output Read response.

This signal indicates the status of the read transfer. EXOKAY is not supported on the Intel FPGA.