AXI Multichannel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 817911
Date 7/22/2024

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4.4.8. Control Shadow Interface (ss_ctrlshadow)

Interface clock: axi_lite_clk

Table 23.  Control Shadow Interface
Signal Name Direction Description
ss_app_st_ctrlshadow_tvalid Input

AXI MCDMA IP asserts this output for one clock cycle when there is an update to the register fields being monitored due to a Configuration Write performed by the Root Complex.

You can copy the new settings of the register fields from the tdata bus.

ss_app_st_ctrlshadow_tdata[39:0] Input

When app_ctrl_shadow_tvalid has been asserted, this output provides the current settings of the register fields of the associated Function.

[2:0] - Identifies the Physical Function Number of configuration register.

[13:3] - Identifies the Virtual Function Number of the configuration register.

[14] - Indicates information is for the Virtual Function implemented in the slot's Physical Function.

[19:15] - Identifies the slot Number of the configuration register.

[20] - Bus Master Enable

[21] - MSI-X Mask

[22] - MSI-X Enable

[23] - Mem Space Enable

[24] - ExpRom Enable

[25] - TPH Req Enable

[26] - ATS Enable

[27] - MSI Enable

[28] - MSI Mask

[29] - Extended Tag

[30] - 10 Bit Tag Req Enable

[31] - PTM Enable

[34:32] - MPS Size

[37:35] - MRRS Size

[38] - VF Enable

[39] - Page Request Enable