Device Configuration User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813773
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP Recommended Design Constraints for Using QSPI Flash

Create a FLASH_CLK clock

Example below creates assigns QSPI flash clock pin (flash_dc1_ic0) to the flash clock.

create_generated_clock -name FLASH_CLK -source [get_ports {clk_50m_sysmax}] [get_ports {flash_dc1_io0}]

Set output delay for Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP output pins

Example below sets the output delay for the QSPI flash data and chip select pins.

#flash_dc1_io1/3/4/5 = QSPI flash data pins, 
#flash_dc1_io2 = QSPI flash chip select pins
set flash_data_tracemax 0.250
set flash_data_tracemin 0.000
set flash_clk_tracemax 0.250
set flash_clk_tracemin 0.000
set flash_Tsu 2.700
set flash_Th 2.000
set flash_out_max_dly [expr $flash_data_tracemax + $flash_Tsu - $flash_clk_tracemin]
set flash_out_min_dly [expr $flash_data_tracemin - $flash_Th - $flash_clk_tracemax]

set_output_delay -add_delay -max \
-clock [get_clocks {FLASH_CLK}] $flash_out_max_dly [get_ports {flash_dc1_io1 flash_dc1_io3 flash_dc1_io4 flash_dc1_io5 flash_dc1_io2}]

set_output_delay -add_delay -min \
-clock [get_clocks {FLASH_CLK}] $flash_out_min_dly [get_ports { flash_dc1_io1 flash_dc1_io3 flash_dc1_io4 flash_dc1_io5 flash_dc1_io2}]

Set input delay for input pins

Example below sets the input delay for the QSPI flash data.

set flash_tco_max 7.000
set flash_tco_min 1.000
set in_max_dly [expr $flash_data_tracemax + $flash_tco_max + $flash_clk_tracemax]
set in_min_dly [expr $flash_data_tracemin + $flash_tco_min + $flash_clk_tracemin]

set_input_delay -clock { FLASH_CLK } -max $in_max_dly [get_ports {flash_dc1_io1 flash_dc1_io3 flash_dc1_io4 flash_dc1_io5}]
set_input_delay -clock { FLASH_CLK } -min $in_min_dly [get_ports {flash_dc1_io1 flash_dc1_io3 flash_dc1_io4 flash_dc1_io5}]