Hard Processor System Component Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 813752
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents QuestaSim* Simulation Steps

  1. Locate your top-level simulation model.
    1. You can locate it at <project directory>/<Platform Designer design name>/sim/.
    2. Use the name located from the previous step (step a) to replace the placeholder names TopLevel.v and TopLevel that are used in the following steps.
  2. Locate the Mentor Graphics* setup script.
    1. You can locate it at <project directory>/<Platform Designer design name>/sim/mentor/.
    2. Locate msim_setup.tcl.
  3. For this example, the simulator is executed in the sim/mentor directory where the msim_setup.tcl script is located. Change directory to the sim/mentor directory:
    cd <project directory>/<Platform Designer design name>/ \
  4. Copy the msim_setup.tcl file to another file. For this exercise, it is called my_msim_script.do.
    cp msim_setup.tcl my_msim_script.do
  5. In your my_msim_script.do file, delete everything except the section between the lines from "TOP-LEVEL TEMPLATE - BEGIN" to "TOP-LEVEL TEMPLATE - END".
  6. In your my_msim_script.do file, uncomment and modify the following lines:
    source msim_setup.tcl
    vlog -timescale 1ps/1ps ../TopLevel.v
    set TOP_LEVEL_NAME TopLevel
    run -a 
    exit -code 0 (optional)
  7. Setup your developer environment with the proper resources. To get comprehensive information for downloading, installing, and licensing Intel FPGA software. Go to this link: Introduction to Intel FPGA Software Installation and Licensing.
  8. Run the simulation script. You also have to pass the mentor common directory as an argument. Run the following:
    vsim -mvchome $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/../ip/altera/ \
    mentor_vip_ae/common -do my_msim_script.do
  9. The simulation is running without any errors. Since no testbench is added, it only shows that all the HPS IP simulation files were successfully compiled and elaborated using vsim.