Visible to Intel only — GUID: bck1678993616388
1. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide
2. About the SoC Design Example
3. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Quick Start Tutorial
4. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Run Process
5. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Build Process
6. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Quartus® Prime System Architecture
7. FPGA AI Suite Soc Design Example Software Components
8. Streaming-to-Memory (S2M) Streaming Demonstration
A. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide Archives
B. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide Document Revision History
3.1. Initial Setup
3.2. Initializing a Work Directory
3.3. (Optional) Create an SD Card Image (.wic)
3.4. Writing the SD Card Image (.wic) to an SD Card
3.5. Preparing SoC FPGA Development Kits for the FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example
3.6. Adding Compiled Graphs (AOT files) to the SD Card
3.7. Verifying FPGA Device Drivers
3.8. Running the Demonstration Applications
7.1.1. Yocto Recipe: recipes-core/images/
7.1.2. Yocto Recipe: recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-socfpga_%.bbappend
7.1.3. Yocto Recipe: recipes-drivers/msgdma-userio/
7.1.4. Yocto Recipe: recipes-drivers/uio-devices/
7.1.5. Yocto Recipe: recipes-kernel/linux/linux-socfpga-lts_%.bbappend
7.1.6. Yocto Recipe: recipes-support/devmem2/
7.1.7. Yocto Recipe: wic
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bck1678993616388
6.3.2. Nios® V Subsystem
Three IP modules make up the Nios® V subsystem:
- mSGDMA (Avalon streaming to memory-mapped mode). This module is used to take the formatted input data stream and place it into system memory to create the FPGA AI Suite IP input buffers.
- Mailbox (On-Chip Memory II Intel FPGA IP). This module is used to provide a communication API between the host-application and the Nios Subsystem. FPGA AI Suite IP command and status message are conveyed through this interface.
- Nios® V processor. This module manages the FPGA AI Suite IP job-queue, mailbox and mSGDMA buffer allocation. Using the Nios® V processor offloads the latency-sensitive ingest and buffer management from the HPS.
All C source-code to the Nios® V application is provided. You can modify the Nios® software to enable third-party DMA controllers, if required.