FPGA AI Suite: SoC Design Example User Guide

ID 768979
Date 12/16/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.3.2. Building the FPGA Bitstreams

The FPGA AI Suite SoC design example also includes prebuilt demonstration FPGA bitstreams. If you want to use the prebuilt demonstration bitstreams in your SD card image, skip ahead to Installing HPS Disk Image Build Prerequisites.

If you build your own bitstreams and do not have an FPGA AI Suite IP license, then your bitstream have a limit of 10000 inferences. After 10000 inferences, the unlicensed IP refuses to perform any additional inference. To reset the limit, reprogram the FPGA device.

Building the FPGA Bitstreams for the Agilex™ 7 FPGA I-Series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit

To build the FPGA bitstreams for the Agilex™ 7 FPGA I-Series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit, run the following commands:
dla_build_example_design.py \
 -ed 4_AGX7_S2M \
 -n 1 \
 -a $COREDLA_ROOT/example_architectures/AGX7_Performance.arch \
 --build \
 --build-dir $COREDLA_WORK/agx7_perf_bitstream \
 --output-dir $COREDLA_WORK/agx7_perf_bitstream

The bitstreams built by these commands support both the M2M execution model and the S2M execution model.

Building the FPGA Bitstreams for the Arria® 10 SX SoC FPGA Development Kit

To build the FPGA bitstreams for the Arria® 10 SX SoC FPGA Development Kit, run the following commands:
dla_build_example_design.py \
 -ed 4_A10_S2M \
 -n 1 \
 -a $COREDLA_ROOT/example_architectures/A10_Performance.arch \
 --build \
 --build-dir $COREDLA_WORK/a10_perf_bitstream \
 --output-dir $COREDLA_WORK/a10_perf_bitstream

The bitstreams built by these commands support both the M2M execution model and the S2M execution model.