Visible to Intel only — GUID: udd1656370739516
Visible to Intel only — GUID: udd1656370739516
Ixiasoft Controlled Port Demux Interface
Signal Name | Width | Direction | Description | |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_app_pp_axi_st_aclk | 1 | Input | Clock for AXI-ST Interface | |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_app_pp_axi_st_areset_n | 1 | Input | Reset for AXI-ST Interface | |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_tvalid | 1 | Output | TVALID indicates that the master is driving a valid transfer. A transfer takes place when both TVALID and TREADY are asserted. |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_tdata | 64 128 256 512 |
Output | TDATA is the primary payload that is used to provide the data that is passing across the interface. |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_tkeep | 8 16 32 64 |
Output | TKEEP is the byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as part of the data stream. |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_tlast | 1 | Output | TLAST indicates the boundary of a packet. | |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_tid | 6-1 | Output | TID is the data stream identifier that indicates different stream of data. This can be used as a Channel ID for different streams sharing the same port. |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_app_pp_tready | 1 | Input | TREADY indicates that the slave can accept a transfer on the current cycle. | |
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_tuser_last_segment <segment_number> | 1 | Output | Port<n> packet segmentation boundary indication for higher bandwidth transfer. *last_segment indicates which 64-bit segment of the data bus the last segment is aligned to. segment_number ranges from 0 to 7.
For the following data widths, the corresponding segment number bit applies:
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_rx_tuser_client | 7 | Output | Ethernet Packet error status:
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_tx_tuser_client | 7 | Output | Ethernet Packet error status:
decrypt_ss_user_p<n>_pp_app_tuser_usermetadata | 16 | Output | User metadata which is tag along with incoming/outgoing packet into the MACsec IP. This metadata is not processed by MACsec IP and it is passed through the IP. One of the use cases supports PTP use case where a local timestamp or timer can be sent through this metadata on the MACsec ingress. The user can compare this local timestamp or timer at MACsec egress to determine the time taken for the request to go through the MACsec IP pipeline. |