Visible to Intel only — GUID: nlp1652841359901
1. About the RiscFree* IDE
2. Installation and Setup
3. Getting Started with RiscFree* IDE
4. Debug Setup for Nios® V Processor System
5. Debug Setup for Arm* Hard Processor System
6. Debugging with RiscFree* IDE
7. Ashling RiscFree* Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Intel® FPGAs User Guide Archives
8. Document Revision History for the Ashling RiscFree* Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Intel® FPGAs User Guide
A. Appendix
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nlp1652841359901
4.3. Setting Debug Configurations and Downloading Nios® V Project Using RiscFree* IDE
You can download and debug a Nios® V software project on the targeted Intel® FPGA using the RiscFree* IDE. To debug the project, follow these steps:
- Right click on the project folder (application or BSP) in the project explorer and select Debug As > Debug Configurations.
- Select Ashling RISC-V (auto-detect) Hardware Debugging > <PROJECT_NAME>. Ensure the Project and C/C++ Application match with your project name and your project .elf file respectively.
- Under the Main tab, for C/C++ Application, browse to select the application build .elf file. For example: hello.elf.
Figure 4. Debug Configurations for Nios® V—Main Tab
- Under the Debugger tab, set these settings:
- Debug probe: 1 (USB-Blaster II)
- Transport type: JTAG
- JTAG frequency: 16 MHz
Figure 5. Debug Configurations for Nios® V—Debugger Tab - Click Auto-detect Scan Chain to automatically detect JTAG scan chain information of the target device. Select the options from Device/Tap selection and Core selection.
- Based on the OS you use, configure the OS Awareness settings as follows:
- Intel® HAL: No OS Awareness configuration is required.
- µC/OS-II: Under the OS Awareness tab, turn on Enable OS Aware Debugging, and select OS: µC/OS and Version: II.
Figure 6. Enabling µC/OS-II Aware Debugging in RISC-V Hardware Debugging - Click Debug. RiscFree* IDE downloads the program to the target and you can find the console prints as shown in the following diagram.
Figure 7. Console Prints after Debug Connection is Successful
- Refer to the Debugging with RiscFree* IDE section for further debugging.
Note: You can issue a debug reset using niosv-download -r command. This command only resets the Nios® V processor if the debug reset interface is connected to the Nios® V IP's reset input in your Platform Designer.Note: niosv-download (under <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/niosv/bin directory) is only available for the Intel® Quartus® Prime software. This tool is not available for standalone RiscFree* IDE installation with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Programmer and Tools.
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