Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation

ID 683870
Date 10/05/2021

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3.5. Unsupported Features

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software does not support the following simulation features:
  • The Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software license does not support Remote Desktop access with node-locked, uncounted licenses.
  • Intel® Quartus® Prime does not support companion licensing for ModelSim* .
  • The USB software guard is not supported by versions earlier than ModelSim* software version 5.8d.
  • For ModelSim* software versions prior to 5.5b, use the PCLS utility included with the software to set up the license.
  • Some versions of ModelSim* and Questa support SystemVerilog, PSL assertions, SystemC, and more. For more information about specific feature support, refer to Siemens EDA software documentation.