Step 5: Defining Personas
This reference design defines five separate personas for the parent and child PR partitions. To define and include the personas in your project:
- Create four SystemVerilog files,,,, and in your working directory for the five personas.
Note: If you create the SystemVerilog files from the Intel® Quartus® Prime Text Editor, disable the Add file to current project option when saving the files.
Table 2. Reference Design Personas File Name Description Code Default persona for the child-level design `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps `default_nettype none module blinking_led_child ( // clock input wire clock, input wire [31:0] counter, // Control signals for the LEDs output wire led_three_on ); localparam COUNTER_TAP = 23; reg led_three_on_r; assign led_three_on = led_three_on_r; always_ff @(posedge clock) begin led_three_on_r <= counter[COUNTER_TAP]; end endmodule The LED_THREE blinks slower `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps `default_nettype none module blinking_led_child_slow ( // clock input wire clock, input wire [31:0] counter, // Control signals for the LEDs output wire led_three_on ); localparam COUNTER_TAP = 27; reg led_three_on_r; assign led_three_on = led_three_on_r; always_ff @(posedge clock) begin led_three_on_r <= counter[COUNTER_TAP]; end endmodule The LED_THREE stays ON `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps `default_nettype none module blinking_led_child_empty ( // clock input wire clock, input wire [31:0] counter, // Control signals for the LEDs output wire led_three_on ); // LED is active low assign led_three_on = 1'b0; endmodule The LED_TWO blinks slower. `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps `default_nettype none module blinking_led_slow( // clock input wire clock, input wire [31:0] counter, input wire reset, // Control signals for the LEDs output wire led_two_on, output wire led_three_on ); localparam COUNTER_TAP = 27; reg led_two_on_r; assign led_two_on = led_two_on_r; // The counter: always_ff @(posedge clock) begin led_two_on_r <= counter[COUNTER_TAP]; end blinking_led_child u_blinking_led_child( .led_three_on (led_three_on), .counter (counter), .clock (clock) ); endmodule