eCPRI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683685
Date 11/17/2023

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Document Table of Contents

8. Document Revision History for eCPRI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

Document Version Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Version IP Version Changes
2023.11.17 23.3 3.0.0
  • Updated the eCPRI Intel FPGA IP Core Device Family Support table.
  • Updated the Device Speed Grade Support table.
  • Updated the Parameters: Configuration Tab table.
  • Updated the eCPRI Intel FPGA IP High-Level System Overview diagram.
  • Updated the Signals of the E-tile Hard IP for Ethernet 1588 PTP Interface table.
  • Updated the Signals of the 25G Ethernet MAC 1588 PTP table.
  • Updated the Signals of the 10G Ethernet MAC 1588 PTP table.
  • Updated the Signals of the External ST Sink Interface table.
  • Miscellaneous text changes throughout the document.
2023.08.03 23.2 2.0.4
  • Updated the register map.
  • Corrected typos in the eCPRI IP Reset, Power, and Firewalls Signals table.
2023.05.19 23.1 2.0.3
  • In the IP Parameters chapter, updated the description for the Advance Mapping Mode parameter in the Parameters: Configuration Tab table.
  • Updated product family name to "Intel Agilex 7"
2023.02.24 22.4 2.0.2 Bug fixes
2022.11.15 22.3 2.0.1
  • Updated the Device Speed Grade Support.
  • Updated the Resource Utilization.
2022.08.26 22.2 2.0.0
  • Added information about the packets arbitration scheme in section: Transmit TX Path.
  • Added information about the Data Flow Identification in section: Receive RX Path.
  • Added new IP parameters:
    • Default VLAN ID
    • Data Flow Identification
    • Packets Arbitration Scheme
    • TX Packets Default Priority
    • TX Arbitration Queue 0 Depth
    • TX Arbitration Queue 1 Depth
    • TX Arbitration Queue 2 Depth
    • TX Arbitration Queue 3 Depth
    • TX Arbitration Queue 4 Depth
    • TX Arbitration Queue 5 Depth
    • TX Arbitration Queue 6 Depth
    • TX Arbitration Queue 7 Depth
  • Added new signals:
    • tx_queue_<N>_fifo_full
    • ext_source_pkt_type
    • ext_tx_ingress_timestamp_96b_data
    • ptp_tx_ingress_timestamp_96b_data
  • Added a new register eCPRI ORAN C/U Plane VLAN ID Match in section: IP Registers.
2022.07.01 22.1 1.4.1
  • Corrected the I/O direction for the following signals:
    • avst_source_sop
    • avst_source_eop
    • avst_source_empty
  • Corrected the signal name to which signals of the eCPRI IP Source and Sink Interface are synchronized.
  • Corrected the figure: eCPRI IP Core Reset Logic.
  • Added support for QuestaSim* simulator.
  • Removed support for ModelSim* SE simulator.
2021.12.14 21.3 1.4.1
  • Corrected the signal descriptions for Configuration Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface .
  • Corrected the register descriptions for Ethertype Register and UDP Port Register.
  • Corrected IP version for Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 21.2.
2021.11.11 21.2 1.4.0 Clarified information about the streaming mode in section: eCPRI IP Sink Interface and IP Parameters.
2021.10.01 21.2 1.4.0
  • Added support for Intel® Agilex™ 7 F-tile devices.
  • Added support for multi-channel designs. For more information, refer to the eCPRI Intel FPGA IP Design Example User Guide.
  • Removed support for NCSim.
2021.02.26 20.4 1.3.0
  • Added support for Intel® Agilex™ 7 E-tile devices.
  • Updated the following signal descriptions:
    • tx_egress_timestamp_96b_fingerprint
    • ptp_timestamp_request_fingerprint
  • Added the following signals in section External ST Sink Interface:
    • ext_ptp_timestamp_request_fingerprint
    • ext_tx_egress_timestamp_96b_fingerprint
2021.01.08 20.3 1.2.0
  • The IP now supports interworking function (IWF) type 0.
  • Supports pairing of eCPRI Intel FPGA IP with O-RAN Intel FPGA IP.
  • Updated resource utilization numbers for IWF in Resource Utilization section.
  • Updated Table: eCPRI Intel FPGA IP Core Release Information for 20.3 release.
  • Updated Figure: eCPRI IP Parameter Editor with new parameters.
  • Updated Parameter Settings section.
  • Added following new interfaces in section Interfaces:
    • IWF Type 0 eCPRI Source Interface
    • IWF Type 0 eCPRI Sink Interface
    • IWF Type 0 CPRI MAC Interface
  • Updated Figure: eCPRI Intel FPGA IP High-Level System Overview.
  • Added description for two new blocks in section Operation of the eCPRI IP Blocks:
    • eCPRI IWF Type 0
  • Added IWF related new clock signals in section eCPRI IP Input Clocks.
  • Added following reset signals in Table: eCPRI IP Reset, Power, and Firewalls Signals.
  • Created following new sections to document IWF Type 0 related signals:
    • IWF Type 0 eCPRI Interface
    • IWF Type 0 eCPRI MAC Interface
  • Corrected one field in Table: eCPRI Common Header Format.
2020.05.19 20.1 1.1.0
  • Added support for Intel® Arria® 10 devices.
  • The IP now supports 10G data rate with Intel® Stratix® 10 and Intel® Arria® 10 devices.
  • IP supports streaming of Ethernet frame size up to 9,000 bytes.
  • Added new Table: eCPRI Intel FPGA IP Feature Matrix in section Supported Features.
  • Updated resource utilization numbers in Table: Resource Utilization.
  • Added following new parameters in Table: Parameters: Configuration Tab:
    • Streaming
    • Pair with ORAN
    • One-way Delay Measurement Timer Bit-width
    • Remote Memory Access Timer Bit-width
    • Remote Reset Timer Bit-width
  • Modified Figure: eCPRI Intel FPGA IP High-Level System Overview to include client logic.
  • Updated Section: Supported Ethernet Variants.
  • Updated Section: Error Handling.
  • Added new signals in the following:
    • Table: eCPRI IP Input Clocks
    • Table: Signals of the TX Time of Day Interface
    • Table: Signals of the External ST Sink Interface
    • Table: Signals of the eCPRI IP Sink Interface
  • Added new Table: Miscellaneous Interface Signals.
  • Updated the following register tables:
    • Table: eCPRI Version Register at Offset 0x000
    • Table: eCPRI TX Error Message Register at Offset 0x0004
    • Table: eCPRI RX Error Message Register at Offset 0x0005
    • Table: eCPRI Error Mask Message Register at Offset 0x0006
    • Table: RX Error Register at Offset 0x003E
2020.04.15 19.4 1.0.0 Corrected information in Table: eCPRI Version Register at Offset 0x000.
2020.04.13 19.4 1.0.0 Initial release.