L- and H-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683621
Date 2/28/2025
Document Table of Contents

A.1.5. Updating ATX PLL Fractional Multiply Factor (K) Value

This section describes the steps to update the fractional multiply factor (K) value of an ATX PLL in fractional mode.
Name Address Type Attribute Name Encodings
STEP 1: Set the fractional ready to 0 to indicate the K value is not ready. 0x110[0] read-write pll_fractional_value_ready

1’b0: Fractional value is not valid

1’b1: Fractional value is valid

STEP 2: Update the fractional multiply factor (K) value 0x10C[7:0] read-write dsm_fractional_division Fractional multiply factor bits [7:0]
0x10D[7:0] read-write dsm_fractional_division Fractional multiply factor bits [15:8]
0x10E[7:0] read-write dsm_fractional_division Fractional multiply factor bits [23:16]
0x10F[7:0] read-write dsm_fractional_division Fractional multiply factor bits [31:24]
STEP 3: Set the fractional ready to 1 to indicate the K value is ready 0x110[0] read-write pll_fractional_value_ready

1’b0: Fractional value is not valid

1’b1: Fractional value is valid